Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Time for Words

I am terrible at titles okay. Don't judge me.

So for class tomorrow I have to take a scene from a comic book and turn it into another scene. In other words, we blot out the original words and turn them into something else, making a whole new scene. I happened to choose one of my favourite comics ever, Questionable Content, and chose this scene and somehow came up with the idea of "Faye and Hanners being Lesbians."

Someone is going to kill me for this.

Anyway, so instead of Faye (girl in The Sword shirt) dating Angus (not depicted) she is now dating Hanners (the girl in the green shirt at the end). Why I came up with this idea, I have no idea. Of course, everyone around me was like "OMG DO IT YOU WILL BE MY HERO." So I was like "Whatever," and now I have written a short little scene of Hanners and Faye hugging and Faye being all weird about Sven cause she still sorta likes him. It's no real QC. I also have no interest whatsoever in doing a fanfic like that because it is wrong on so many levels. Hanners is just too innocent for this shit. But I don't careeeee.

She's gonna help me get an A.

Also, still working on my Novel, but now I am like 4000 words behind and I have all these other projects that are going to be coming up soon. So either I get ahead in NaNoWrMo or I quit the novel.

I will not quit the damn novel. I have the story all ready, I just need to get in the flow. Will probably grab a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks to help stay awake tonight. Have you ever had those? I LOVE them to death. It kept me awake when I woke up at 6am the other day and kept me from becoming a human Popsicle. I'd recommend them to anyone who needs a quick tasty boost in the morning. Of course, it's no coffee though. I just wish coffee would DO something to me. It never even seems to have an effect on me, like putting water on a log. Sure the log is wet, but not much has really changed, has it?

I don't even know where that came from or if that even made any sense.

I like the idea of posting pictures onto this blog to help tell my stories. Just for the hell of it. Maybe they will help me come up with ideas for you people to read, and you can be like "HAHA IT WAS FUNNY BUT THIS PICTURE MADE IT EVEN FUNNIER."

Rant time though.

I'm taking this one class for school called "AVT 180: Introduction into Digital Arts." Basically, it's a course on how to use Photoshop and Illustrator. It is mind-numbingly easy and I have a lot of fun with the projects. The picture I posted in my last post was the second project we did. It wasn't hard at all, but I did have a lot of fun doing it. Anyway! We had our critique yesterday and how we do it is we all shift one desk over and get to look at the whole potrait piece one at a time (shifting through the layers and all). A lot of the pieces were really cool and really clever. Others, were total shit.


I was getting so angry sitting there in class. I mean, you can at LEAST put SOME effort into your artwork. Photoshop really isn't that hard people. At least get rid of your jagged selection edges. Stop using drop shadows as well when the light source cuts out all shadows but the one below the person. Like holy cow people. They look like they were just cut out of a magazine and glued onto another picture. Please at least attempt to do well in your artwork.

A music duel suddenly started in the Study Room. On that note I'll leave you all with another random picture I did. It's whatever at this point. I might tell the story later if people are interested. Otherwise, It's just another thing.



  1. Maybe instead of coming up with titles you should just take the first seven or so words that come into your mind and set them as the ALL CAPS TITLE OF A POST.
    Also I want ALL of the Hanners/Faye lezzzbian fanfiction you can write. I hereby curse you to OnGeoWriAboLesMo (Only George Writing About Lesbians Month), which will be December.

  2. It's not much. It was only 500 words of Hanners and Faye hugging and complaining about Sven. I don't know anything about Lesbians and I am also not very interested in the H/F topic at all. Mostly because there is no way I would be able to write them both in character. Especially Hanners. She doesn't even like being touched for the most part!
