Thursday, November 4, 2010

Die in a Fire 7pm

So here I am like every Thursday, sitting in my 4pm class waiting for it to end. However, when that class ends I can't leave. Now why would that be? Well, it just so happens that my group for this class (we're designing a game for the iPhone) wants to meet up every Thursday after class. I rambled a bit about this in the previous post, but now you will get my full distaste for the current hours. You see, 7pm is usually the "meet up with friends and get food time." However, since instead I am stuck in the art building till who fucking knows I don't even bother eating.

Thursday night is "Fuck food I hate you all night."

Don't get me wrong, the people in my group are cool and our project is great. Meeting up after sitting three hours in a class to then sit another three hours in this room? Fuck you. Fuck all of you.

It doesn't help that my head also hurts. Yep, headache. Is it from not eating? PROBABLY! It's mostly because I detest this class and kind of just want to be done. If we met up earlier in the day I would be perfectly fine with it. Now, however, it is just too late for me to want to do work. Plus I do need to get my screenplay done. It's kind of really important, and this project isn't due for a while. Plus I have another project in this class that is due in two weeks which I am totally going to start freaking out about in about thirty minutes. Coding is not fun.


Anyway, I'm leaving around 8 or 8:30 to MAYBE POSSIBLY catch dinner with other people, or to just grab Starbucks later and get the first ten pages of my Screenplay done. Whatever.

She's so prettyyyy. Oh so prettyyyyy.

1 comment:

  1. All the cool kids will probably still be at Pilot House around 8 or 8:30! Also I was going to work on my novel but now I have to play Plants Vs Zombies thanks so much. D:
