Saturday, November 6, 2010

Like your period, I'm late

Apologies for not updating yesterday. I shouldn't even be updating now.

But I feel you all deserve it.

I have a quick story to run through later, involving a bunch of my friends going to the zoo. I then want to tell you about today and tonight. I may or may not have a crazy as blog post around 3am. We shall see.

Anyway, my BFF Lauren is at one of those comic con's meeting all my favourite web artists and I am SO JEALOUS YOU HAVE NO IDEA. She will more than likely update with dozens of photos of Jeph Jacques. Words cannot describe how jealous I am.

Anyway, I'll inform you all of the stupid things that go on tonight when I get a chance. I have a photoshoot to do and other projects to get done before the school week. Things are going to get crazy.


  1. I swear to god, if you EVER update with a title like this again, I am totally never reading your blog. Ewie.
