Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Oh god what have I done?

A few days ago my friend George introduced me to an interesting thing called "National Novel Writing Month", or NaNoWrMo for short. The whole premise behind the thing is that anyone participating is supposed to write 50,000 words within the Month of November. The goal is to write around 1,667 words each day (something like that) in order to make the total within the month. My original idea was to write this fantasy novel since I have to write a 30 page screenplay at the end of the semester anyway. This way, I would have the story all set for my screenplay and wouldn't have to think much.

But I am terrible at commitment. Wanna know how long I spend doing things? Not long. If you read the lovely Hyperbole and a Half you would know about this post. That is me, in a nutshell. I have this huge burst of "YES I CAN DO ALL THE THINGS AND WIN" and I feel just like she does; that I should be given a trophy I can covet and hold for all eternity.

There is never a trophy. I also never complete anything. Will I continue to write the novel and do this blog post? Probably not. This is counting towards my entries though. I may or may not post the original 1,705 words I did in my story here, but one step at a time.

But one thing is, what is this blog supposed to be about? I honestly have no idea where I'm going with it. I'm mostly doing it because my bestest friend EVER Lauren decided this was adequate in place of doing a novel. In the end I'm sure her blog will be far more successful mostly because her humour is far better than mine. You never know though. I blame her for any nonsense or hysterical things that are posted and forever scar you for the rest of eternity.

That's beside the point though. I spent the day at the Supreme Court listening to the noble justices rip the lawyers debating in two. I was stunned at how they debated. I'm used to people talking, then questions, then more talking. But this? Oh man it was so great. They were funny yet serious and it was just so great to listen to these old people debate video games. It was utterly fantastic and I'd say people should go at least once (if possible) to see them. It was rather amusing.

I don't think there is anyway I can write a 1,667 word blog post each day. It will definitely not be possible. Who wants to read that much anyway? Unless it's rather interesting and hilarious.

Which this is not.

I should post some images onto this blog. Like, the crazy doodles I do in my Classics class, or the stuff I do in my Photoshop class. Yes, I am taking a class on Photoshop. Why? Because I am a Game Design Major. Yes, I play and design games in college. It's a shit-ton of work but for the most part it is utterly FANTASTIC.

So I will leave you with the shop I did this week for my second Project. I called it "Pink Elephants on Parade."

And now I'm a blogger. Congratulations me?

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