Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's Been a While

Man Down - Rihanna

It's been a long time since I last blogged. I apologize for that, since last week was Thanksgiving Break and all.

So, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving Break, cause I sure did. It all started last Tuesday. After going to my 10:30 class I headed over to the bus stop and met up with my sister at Union Station. From there we chatted for a while then headed over to our train. The ride wasn't bad, I wrote most of the ride while Ray (my sister) did homework and watched "Confessions of a Shopaholic." It was a rather entertaining ride, but rather long. After getting home we went to Valley Farms for dinner. Valley Farms is this little fast food stop near my house. It's the only and it's been there since my dad has been a kid. Great place and we were both craving it so bad. Then I chatted with my family for a while and talked to Kristina for a while.

The next day I met up with Lauren and Sarah to go see our friend Vanessa who we haven't seen in forever. We met up at Barnes and Noble and talked about life for a while, then had to head home because Sarah's parents were freaking out about her car. She backed up into a fence accidentally and there was a little scratch on the car. Seriously, it was on the plastic too, and her parent's were fuming like crazy. It was actually kind of hilarious, but she had to get home. However, before she actually went home, we went and grabbed our friend Mike and headed over to the nearby Friendly's restaurant. It had been a long time since we had all been there together so it was really nice to do something together again, especially something that has so much nostalgia for us all ha ha.

The next day was Thanksgiving, so it was spent cleaning up and getting ready for the day ahead. My sister and I set up the table like every year and I always do fancy fold for the napkins. This year I did this fancy fold, and it was far from any of my favourites. I really wanted to find some sort of octopus napkin fold, but I wasn't having much luck and it was starting to get close to guest time. So after the food was all set and the house cleaned up we all got pretty and ready for the family to arrive. It was really great to see everyone again, considering the fact that my two cousins from California came. I haven't seen either of them in over two years, so needless to say I was really excited to see them. We then had a fantastic and overly dramatic dinner. My cousin at one point commented "Can we come here for Thanksgiving every year?" We all had a good laugh over that, but I really do wish they could come every year since it's nice to have everyone here to hang out.

I love Thanksgiving food so much. It's one of the few holidays where everyone makes their BEST food and I absolutely love it all. Too bad I'm not home right now or I would be digging in to all the leftovers we had ha ha. You should have seen all the food. I'm sure my mom and dad will be sick of it soon though ha ha.

Circus - Britney Spears

So after that we headed over to my Aunt's house on Friday to see our cousin's one last time. We played Sorry! all night and it was fantastic. You've probably never seen how my family gets during Sorry! so you have no idea how utterly insane we get. We get pretty violent and angry while we play. Yup, we're crazy. Anyway, it was great to see them and I'll miss them a lot when they go back to CA. Hopefully I'll get to see them soon.

On Saturday I headed up to my other cousin's house to hang out with them for a while as my last thing for Thanksgiving Break. It was a lot of fun, but I ended up losing one of my rings. It's okay though, but it did upset me because I really liked that ring. Sigh.

The train ride home wasn't bad at all, it actually went by pretty fast and I got a decent amount of work done. After getting a ride back to GMU from Kristina we met up with everyone and had dinner together, then headed back to finish up all our work. I hope I did alright on the work, but I'm not worried as after looking it all over again it looks good.

From what I've gathered from all the Facebook statuses everyone seems to be having the week from hell. To everyone who is angry and frustrated this week, best of luck to all of you. Have some coffee, play some games between work to let off steam and try not to explode. Christmas break is coming up fast so get excited! Best of luck everyone!

I have a thirty page screenplay due in a week. I'm not worried about it at all since it's pretty easy to write and I thoroughly enjoy it. I have some tweaks to do before I finish up the next ten pages, then I'll have it all done for next week. I GOT THIS. It's also nice that everyone that is due in these next few weeks is spaced out so I don't have a whole lot due at once. This way I can focus all my attention on one thing after the other rather than being like "AHHHHHH SO MANY THINGS AND NOT ENOUGH TIME FOR THE THINGS."

That's all for now, hope you all had a good Thanksgiving Break and whatnot. I also wanted to point out that this is the 30th of November, so NaNoWrMo is over. Hope all of you who participated got what you wanted done! Though I never finished my novel, I did enjoy doing both the blog and that novel. So I'll say this was a NaNoWrMo well spent! Good luck to all these next few weeks.

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