Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nancy! Down an Octave! Please!

So yesterday was pretty interesting. It was my friend Kate's flute recital. She did fantastic and so did her friend Grace. So many beautiful pieces. After the recital, there was a small reception where we ate junk food and congratulated everyone. We then heard they were all playing at the basketball game on campus, so the rest of us contemplated going. We decided "Why not?" and headed over.

GMU has a great basketball team. It was GMU vs Harvard and we kicked ass. There were so many fouls too. Couldn't go two minutes without something going wrong haha. After the game, we met up with the pep band members and headed over to this little restaurant called (I believe) Brion's. I think it was spelled weird, but I dunno. The food was great and it was fun to hang out with everyone, especially these two kids Nick and Paul. I ordered cheese fries and a burger, but the cheese fries were a lot more than I though, so now they are sitting in my fridge and I am contemplating heating them up for my lunch. I probably will.

After dinner we headed back to my room and had a little party as the last bit to Kate's day. It was fun and really entertaining. I was hoping to have more fun, but everyone was really wiped from the day so most of us just headed off to sleep.

That is until I got a panicked call from my friend.

Apparently he got into this really awkward situation and really really needs to talk to someone. I tried to talk to him last night, but I think he really needed a moment to breathe. I invited him over today so he could get his mind off things.

I'm excited. Haven't seen him in a while.

Anyway, I actually started writing this blog post 4 hours ago but got distracted by other things (namely Plants VS Zombies) and never posted. Not that you would have known that.

SO. Going to get food soon and then have a small amount of work to do when I get back. This week is going to be stressful, I just know it.

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