Sunday, November 21, 2010

Moulin Rouge

So right now I'm watching Moulin Rogue with some of my floormates (Kristina and Scooter). We're having a double feature tonight. First off is Moulin Rogue and then we are going to watch Sweeney Todd. I'm excited, especially since Kristina and I will probably spend the whole time singing 80% of the songs haha. Scooter hasn't seen Sweeney Todd and decided he should see it once. I thought it would be a good idea because it's bloody AND a musical!

Anyway, it's been a pretty good weekend. When I went to sleep on Friday (after spending the night in Gio's room being stupid) I for some reason woke up thinking it was Sunday. I don't really know why, I just for some reason thought it was the end of the weekend. It made me feel so stupid, but I was relieved to have another day to do work. But besides that, nothing really exciting happened on Saturday. Went over to Gio's again to hang out and met some interesting new people. Randall brought over his tablet to "try and do work", which was a really stupid decision in all honesty, but ended up being a FANTASTIC idea. Gio took it and started drawing the strangest of things. It was a great night, except we woke Scooter up when we all came back. I felt bad, but he seemed okay the next day.

One moment. The "Like a Virgin" scene in Moulin Rogue just came on and it's so fabulous I MUST WATCH.

Sorry about that (not that it really matters to you since you will read all this at once). I really love that scene. Except when the Duke starts singing. It is so creepy, yet it fits so well into the scene.

Anyway, Sunday was rather uneventful. Slept for all eternity and then had a lunch/dinner/thing. Did work and now am watching Moulin Rogue, followed by Sweeney Todd (like I said earlier). I have a story to read before tomorrow, but it's nothing too fancy. I also need to prepare my major points in my screenplay for my class. That will take about five minutes, since my story is already set up in my head and I know the two major plot points. Speaking of, I feel really bad for abandoning my novel. I really should finish it, since I am actually enjoying writing it. I just wish I had a little more free time this month. For some reason November just happened to turn into such a busy month. Oh well. I'll get it done sooner or later, since I actually really enjoyed writing the novel, like a LOT.

On top of everything, this week is Thanksgiving and I believe I have said this before but I must say it again, I AM SO EXCITED YOU HAVE NO IDEA OMGGGGGG. My cousins from California are coming and I LOVE THEM TO DEATH. Plus I get to see a large majority of my family and, in case you didn't know, I really love my family. They are so great. Plus with everyone cooking food I will be eating so well over the week. My family knows how to cook. It's why I really love the holidays. It's always great to spend those days with my family, seeing people I don't get to see throughout the school year. Plus I will get to see all the friends I don't get to see over the school year since I go to school down in Virginia and most people I know live up in CT and go to school in New England. It's okay though, since we talk on and off and then when I go home I get to see everyone.

Anyway, I'm going to go back to watching Moulin Rogue now. I'll post again either tomorrow or on Tuesday when  I get home (if I have time). I'm so excited to go home to see everyone.

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