Monday, January 24, 2011

No Minecraft

This post will not have Minecraft in it I SWEAR.

Anyway, I made it back to school yesterday and it was nice to see everyone. Scooter, Kate, and Kristina were the only ones here on Saturday, so we all hung out together and talked about all the things we have done so far. We then ordered Chinese and hung out as per usual. Around 10 or so I saw my friend Heather on and messaged her, hoping we could play Starcraft 2 together. However, I got no response and decided to go do something else. After several minutes, I got a text from her asking if I was in my room. I told her yes. After a short while she came down and we hugged. We decided to go back to her room to geek out.

It was funny though, she came downstairs in her pj's and wet hair (seeing as she had just showered and was planning to sleep early tonight to get into swing for school). When we got to her room it smelled of Chlorine and I commented on it. She told me it was her new cleaner and she hated the smell. I laughed and told her I love the smell of chlorine. Don't ask me why, I just do. Anyway, so we set up base around her desk and played a test round against medium computers. She said she wasn't that good so we did a test run. We stomped the two comps and decided to up the difficulty. We did fine against the two hard computers, me going defensive to stop the initial waves and her building up an army. It worked well and we crushed the comp. During that game her dad signed on and she was like HEY LET'S PLAY WITH HIM. I told her that was just plain weird but we did it anyway. We did 3v3 and it worked really well. He massed Void Rays and Heather and I dealt with the invading forces. We decided to go for one more game, thinking it would be another sort of short game. We were so wrong.

The game started out normal. We did this one map (I forget the name) that puts us into one massive base on the bottom right, and the others at a massive base at the top left. Heather decided to rush Hydras and I attempted to rush Dark Templar. It was going pretty well, but I only got two templar before the enemy attacked. I was hoping the computer wouldn't notice my cloaked units, but a scan went off and they killed one. Heather pumped out what she could as I tried to get more units. We somehow managed to force them to retreat, and her dad began to build defenses around the entrances. My base took serious damage, so Heather did what she could to help while I rebuilt. However, the Computers were too fast and I couldn't rebuild fast enough. Heather and I could only hold off two waves before we started to get overrun. Her dad, during this whole time, was massing Void Rays and moved in for the kill. At the same time, the computers started to overrun my base. Just before major damage was done, her dad's attack on one of the comps caused them to retreat to defend.

The game started to back and forth like this. Heather and I would try to branch out for minerals and get destroyed. It got to the point where we were done for. However, the computers had lost all of their other bases and didn't have any minerals to rebuild. Her dad also managed to destroy chunks of the main bases to keep them at bay, and in the end we managed to pull through. The game lasted around an hour and it was one of the most intense games I have ever done. Sadly, it was just against computers haha. Oh well, it was still a lot of fun. We decided we needed to do this more often. I agreed, but it was getting late so I headed back.

Scooter, Kate and I hung out for a little while longer, but then decided sleep was in order. Slept for forever today and then got Lunch with Kristina, Kate and Scooter. It was nice, but meal plans didn't activate till 4pm, so I had to use Bonus. It was whatever, and the food was decent. We then hung out in our dorms for a while as we waited for everyone else to come here. Liz showed up first, followed by George and Hunter, and Randall finally showed up later that night.

Later on, Sarah asked me to come tank Heroic Shadowfang Keep in WoW for her and Justin to help him get geared. I said yes because I didn't expect to really be doing anything that night. However, Jay showed up and we started to talk, but it's hard to chat and effectively tank. We then had a ton of trouble on the boss because the dps was sucking hard (not Sarah). After a very painful first boss, I had to afk real quick because my friend wanted to chat. I didn't think to stay very long, just pop in and see what was up, but there was rum and everyone was like LOL BRING MORE even though we had nothing. It was also Sunday before the FIRST DAY OF CLASSES. WHAT ARE YOU GUYS EVEN THINKING? So I convinced them to do something this weekend rather than before the week even began. However, while I was down there I got a text from Sarah asking where I was and then found out everyone was messaging her on WoW. I came back to find everyone herded around my computer and just shook my head. We then finished the run and only ran into trouble on Godfrey, but that was because we had no Decurse, which SUCKED. We managed to get him down, but not without pretty much everyone dying. Justin was not happy about it, and it was partially my fault for afking for so long. OH WELL.

So yeah, it is time fore sleep, since I have a 9am class tomorrow and it is my first of the semester. I am not looking forward to being the only one up at that time, but the class seems fun. Anyway, night all.

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