Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Double Update!

Writing "a tit" into the address bar never gets old.

Anyway, GMU finally responded and took off the hold on my account. Hooray! Good news: I finally registered for classes. Bad News: All of them are full. Total credits for spring: 3. 3 Credits. That's not even enough to be considered a part-part time student...

So now I am frantically finding out what classes everyone is in and praying at least some of them open up. It won't let me register into Math 105 due to no test score (fuck you, placement test. I took you three times you mother fucker). So now I have to find classes to replace them. You have no idea how frustrating this is going to be. At lest that is one thing sort of off my To-do list.


  1. Ballet! 5 spots open in my section! DANC 145-001! MW 10:30-11:45! 3 basically free credits! Ballet!

  2. Try sending a note to the math professor, and ask if he could let you in. ><

    Ballet sounds nice. I'm sure Twinsie would be excellent at it :D.

    Also, CHILL! There's plenty of time to find classes. School doesn't start till like the 20-something or other, and even then you have a couple weeks till everything is final. :)

  3. @George No.

    @Kristina She*. I might, but it's more about me not having the placement test thing they need and I HATE that test. I might just take something else, waiting to hear back form Jay to find out what he is taking, otherwise I might actually take Ballet and etc to just have credits ;_;
