Thursday, February 3, 2011

I remembered the Story!

Remember that one part in my blog from yesterday where I was like "I had something to say but for the life of me I cannot remember it?" I REMEMBERED IT AHHHHHHHHHHH

So on Tuesday I went to my normal Music class at 3pm and sat with Noelle (I always go to spell her name as "Noel." Damn you, french class!!). Class started as normal, nothing exciting. The teacher started talking about the concept of "World Music." What defines something as world music? He started to do a mini lecture, when he started to play music. It started off as African music, and the class unanimously agreed it was world music. He then played a more popular song, and everyone said no. We then debated that for a little while, and did a few more rounds of music. At one point he was like "Alright, now how about this one?" He walked to his computer and started to play "Hips Don't Lie" by Shakira. I was like "OH GOD NOOOOO" because, if you know me, you know I had, and still do, have an obsession with Shakira. In other words, I had to try my hardest to not sing along and dance in my seat. Instead, I watched some of the people in front of me and saw that they were tapping along, and others were like "I'm going to shift in my seat to control myself." I laughed to myself.


Honestly, I don't know what to blog about right now. The only reason I started to was because I recalled that story from yesterday. I would just edit the old post, but I doubt anyone would check the bottom to see if something was added. Now that I've decided on writing this blog post, I have to keep writing until it gets ridiculously long because HEY, I SAID NO MORE SHORT BLOG POSTS BITCHES.


For my Advanced Animation class he decided to make us draw upside down. No, that does not mean we were hanging from the ceiling and drawing, though that would.... interesting. He gave us these images that were upside down and our goal was to redraw them. It was an interesting experience, but was incredibly frustrating. One of them was a simple drawing of Taz, but it still took several tries and I'm still not pleased with it. I feel I should clean them up a bit because they were more sketched than drawn and there are unnecessary lines everywhere. Doesn't really matter to me though, I'm done for the night.

The whole thing was strange. I was getting frustrated, because I was using two monitors to do the project, one displaying the image that needed to be redrawn, and the other with the new document. I kept getting confused as to which line went to what, and I spent a good few minutes just glancing back and for trying to figure out where the hell I was. A lot of the proportions ended up being wrong because I thought things were going well and then realized I had made the chick way, way too fat. I sort of quick fixed it since it was a poofy dress. I think in the end it turned out alright, but meh. I am still excited for this class.



"You are sending retards to Auschwitz on a wagon. Who is going to bag your groceries?"
"Black people."

This is the conversation that is going on right now around me. I.... I don't even know.


Wait nevermind, I can't do that work since my notebook is in the other room and my roommate is sleeping. I'll just do it in the morning. I only wanted to type it up to make it pretty. It's okay though. Not that important, and I'm pretty much done with it.


So I figured I'd post a little about the drawings I had to do. HERE ARE TWO OF THEM:
 This first one was this lady eating some sort of soup? I don't really know. She was the one I accidentally made fat. I still fucked up and made her way taller than she was. Her hand also looks like it went through a god damn blender or something. OH WELL HANDS SUCK ANYWAY. I like the hat though.

And this is taz! He actually didn't come out that bad. His hands bother me, and I chopped the top of his head off, but I was too lazy to re stretch the image again. I also tried using lines to cross section the whole thing and make it easier to draw. It helped a little, but I should have used it for the other images. Also, DRAWING UPSIDE DOWN IS SO STRANGE. It took me forever to reorient my brain to get it done.

Also, the more I look at Taz the more I like him. He is the only one I like, out of all the others. I hope my teacher likes my work ha ha.


Like I said, they were mostly just rough sketches. Especially the others, when my brain started to go like "I CAN'T EVEN TELL WHAT IS GOING ON ANYMORE AHHHHHHH." And I had to be like "Okay, just this last one and you can turn off for the nigsdfasodgasta"

That was my brain shutting off. LOL I MADE A TERRIBLE JOKE.


There is this one post on a youtube video that says "I'm a cat and I SWEAR when I take a hit off this bong I can talk for 60 seconds before it wemeow meow meow meow meow meow" Or something like that. I don't know why I posted that.


My boss never got back to me about my Resume. It worries me, since I was all proud of myself for taking that step towards getting a job. I'll probably e-mail her again tomorrow. In the meantime I'll check to see that the jobs I am interested in are still open. Oh god I hope they are.

I also think I am going to do the drawing class with Jay. I'm gonna check out some classes Kristina sent me before I make my decision. Sorry George, I probably won't be taking Ballet with you. Well, unless nothing works out and I get rejected from being force added again. UGH.


In between classes and waiting for my boss to get back to me, I started playing Shadow Hearts: Covenant again. This time, though, I'm using party members I've never used before and using the Technical Ring. That means the ring is harder to hit, and if I miss at ANY point, all my actions are canceled for that turn. The good side? My attacks do a TON more damage. Even the characters with one attack are doing massive damage. The only problem is if I miss it can be a huge problem.

 Speaking of games. One time last semester I finished my work but didn't feel like going to sleep yet. Everyone else was staying up to finish work so I was like "Hey Randall, I bet I can beat Metroid: Fusion before you finish your project." He agreed and I started playing. I kept him up to date as I got to and beat each boss. He was like "What the hell?! You just fought one 5 minutes ago! What IS THIS MADNESS!?" The next hour went on like that, until I beat the final boss and completed the game in one hour and fifteen minutes. He was impressed. I was bored again ha ha.


Bah. I think that's it for now. Nothing else I really want to say. Class tomorrow and then done for the week. WHAT DOES THIS WEEKEND HOLD? I DO NOT KNOWWWWWWWWWW

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