Sunday, February 20, 2011


So take me now or take me never
I won't wait
You're already late
So say goodbye or say forever
Choose your fate
How else can we survive?
Dead is the new alive


I bought things! Yup yup! On Friday I went out with Kristina, Kate and Scooter to the mall. Kate needed to get a dress and that was the whole reason we went. She got this adorable little red dress and some nice jewelery to go with it. I got a nice new shirt, a jacket, a pair of jeans and a new wallet. I spent practically nothing because I still had my gift card from Christmas. We also went to the Cheesecake factory for lunch. It was delicious and Kate and I took our leftover brownies home.

When we got back, Kate and Scooter headed out because they were going to Scooters for the weekend (there was a wedding) and Kristina and I headed to Ania's dorm for a little Valentine's Get Together/Dorm Reunion. Not many people showed up, so it was pretty much the same crowd as last time. It was a lot of fun. However, when we got there I got a text from Heather saying she really needed to talk to me. I was like "Okay, meet me by Starbucks." Turns out things had gotten awkward with one of her really close friends and she really needed to talk. I gave her what advice I could and tried to cheer her up. We talked for a while and then I invited her to our little party, but she said she appreciated the offer but just wasn't in the mood. I said I would check on her after the party.

She was much better later when I saw her. Tired, but better. We talked a little while longer before she decided "Okay, I really need to sleep." I said goodbye and then met up with Kristina and Randall to watch more of Misfits. It's this rather entertaining British show about a bunch of kids on parole who end up getting super powers. It's really interesting.

I had planned to go to Town on Saturday, but plans fell through because everyone (but Kristina) ended up being busy. It rather sucked, but whatever.


The Drama Llama has been spitting all over the place again. Apparently, Kristina, Kate and George were planning on rooming together, and had found a fourth body. However, said fourth body has apparently made plans to be someone's roommate, but didn't inform the rest of them. So Kristina has been trying for two days to talk to her about it, with no luck. We'll see. They are already making backup plans for the fourth body though.

Oh and Kate, when you read this, remember that you need to talk to your roommates (current) about their future plans to see if you can hold your room or not!


I have a lot of fun using charcoal in my artwork. It's just one of our materials that is really easy and really fun to use. I mean, I'm not good with it, but it's still my favourite to use. Hopefully with more classes I'll get better with it. I like the way my last piece came out though. We'll see what the teacher thinks.


I've started making a Dream journal. I've started to remember dreams better from it, considering while I am at school I almost never have dreams, or at least are unable to recall them when I wake up. It's been interesting to read over the things I have been dreaming.


That's really all I've got right now. I'm off to finish up some work and maybe do some reading.

1 comment:

  1. I just make sure I say my dreams out loud right after I wake up. Last night (or maybe the night before?) there was one where I killed a guy and flushed him down the toilet, but he wouldn't go down, so I just left the toilet seat/lid down hoping he would soften up a bit and go down more easily. I also had to dispose of, like, breaded chicken breasts in the same manner, in the same toilet. For some reason. It wasn't the best plan. So basically I have learned that I should never kill a guy because I'm too stupid. At least I'm done having solve-the-murder dreams, I guess. (Fun fact: in the same dream, there were DNA-stealing aliens and also I worked in a beauty shop for a while.)
