Tuesday, June 7, 2011


So, for starters, today at work I got to create a Twitter account for my dad. That's right, a Twitter account. For my father.

It was probably a lot more entertaining then it should have been.

Basically, he is going to use it for business meetings and while he is at trade shows. It's not a bad idea, considering my dad WANTS people to know where is he and to let them know that he is all over the place. Still, it's just funny to think about.

Then, later today, I was surfing through the channels when I suddenly came across Spice World. I actually stopped for a moment. It had been so long since I had seen this movie and I was really surprised to see it on TV. I mean, Spice World? Hello 90's! Nice to see you again. Of course, I put it on immediately and watched the whole thing. It also helped me remember the name of the 5th spice girl (Oh Posh Spice, I could never remember who you were). Then, of course, I started getting flash backs of listening to the Spice Girls long ago and all the memories tied with their songs. It was pretty entertaining.

It also made me feel old.
Older than I feel when I go to bed at 11:30.

Anyway, it was nice to take a ride on the good ol' Nostalgia Express. It was really funny though, because as we were watching my brother went to look on my Music Folder on our shared drive and realized the Spice Girls weren't on there (I haven't transferred all of my music over to it). I have all their music though, so I get to enjoy my nostalgia trip ha ha.

Oh, and then after that came Ferris Bueller's Day Off. It seems to be a pretty good day for movies, though I doubt I'll get another good movie after this one. Oh well, day well spent.

Can I just say that I've felt like an old man lately? I go to sleep before midnight. MIDNIGHT. I used to be up at 2am just for kicks. Now I'm tired at 10pm. What. Is. This.

I blame my work schedule.

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