Tuesday, February 8, 2011


My life is arranged, but this unions deranged
So I'll fuck who I choose for I've nothing to lose
And when master's displeased I'll be down on my knees again
But, Oh! What beautiful things I'll wear!


My plans are growing! It's funny how they look though, since they are leaning really heavily on one side because they are so desperate to get as much sun as possible. I feel bad for them because there is nowhere else I can put them for them to actually get some sun. It is fun to look at them though. I'll do another post about them when I get Sarah's images. This will be week two I think? Anyway, I'm so excited for them to bloom! I CANNOT WAIT MAN.


 I am so tired right now and I do not even know why. It is only like 12:30! I'm never this tired this early! Ever! What is this?!

Forget about today though. I'll recap the weekend first.


Friday was Kate's Burfday. Kristina and I made her a cake, and the night before I gave her a delicious cupcake of win (which I REALLY want more of. THEY WERE SO GOOD). We also made brownies. Kristina tried to get balloons and streamers and whatnot, but Giant sucked and didn't have anything but a single HAPPY BIRTHDAY Balloon. It was lame, but it served it's purpose. I kind of want to steal the helium and sing Natalie's Rap, but Sarah and Mike are not here to enjoy it again. Oh wells.

After that, we hung out like usual and went to Pilot House for dinner. It was fun.


Saturday. Uhh, I can't think of what happened that morning. At all.  I think I spent it with Heather. Playing Starcraft. I think? I don't rememberrrrrr. Though I do remember the night really well. Liz came over to have a girl talk with Kate, Kristina and Girl George (I have to specify because the whole conversation was about Vaginas. I DON'T KNOW SO DON'T ASK). It left Scooter and I playing Bananagrams alone, since we were all playing before but Liz came to talk. So after Scooter and I finished, Scooter went into the other room and I decided "I don't really want to be part of this conversation and don't particularly care (SORRY LIZ, I LOVE YOU BUT I DON'T REALLY WANT TO KNOW THE WHEREABOUTS AND HAPPENINGS OF YOUR VAGINA)."

So instead I called Mollie. She swung by and we went to go for a walk. We talked for a long time and walked around campus. I got hungry and we decided to head over to Ike's. We ordered some food and Mollie decided to put on Fireworks by Katie Perry. I sang along and we talked about our favourite parts (YOU CAN PROBABLY GUESS MY TWO FAVOURITE PARTS (mostly the first favourite, but probably not the second)) and then made fun of the other songs that came on and talked about music that meant things to us. For example, Hotel California means something to me because my whole family sings the song when it comes on. It's really hilarious.

After that I came back to find everyone watching Sleepy Hollow, so I sat behind Liz and, knowing she was having a rough couple of days, brushed her hair to make her feel better. I was mostly just playing with her hair because it is SO MUCH FUN and she really enjoys it. Her hair is super long too so it makes it even more enjoyable.


I woke up on Sunday to a text from Heather. I then got ready sort of fast (I am so bad at getting ready in the morning) and headed over to her room, bringing along some food and snacks with me. She then cooked eggs and bacon and it was delicious. It was totally illegal too, because we were cooking on one of those table top burner things. You know, the ones that plug into the wall and are a very, very terrible fire hazard. I DO NOT CARE BECAUSE IT WAS DELICIOUS. Anyway, we hung out for a long time talking about whatever we could think of. We spent seven hours talking. It was really nice and really interesting.


Today wasn't too bad. I finally got into another class, Drawing 1, and got all my supplies with Jay over the weekend. It allowed to drop the one class I didn't want to take anymore, so I was really happy. The class is pretty hard, mostly because I've lost most of my drawing skills and need to relearn a lot of shit. The teacher kept going "Okay, you guys should be on your last drawing now" and I would be like "OH GOD I AM STILL WORKING ON MY FIRST ONE." It was pretty bad, but I started to work faster. Of course, the last part was really annoying because we had to draw some still life, but the cup I was drawing was shaped really awkward and took forever to proportion properly, so I got nothing done at the last part of class. Oh wells.

I have a lot of work that is due in a few days. The first bit is really easy. I have to listen to four songs and then just kind of doodle to them blindly. It sounds fun and I'm looking forward to it. For my animation class we have a self portrait due on Thursday and I still haven't found the picture I want to use for it. It would be a bit easier if I didn't have to transform myself into a monster after, but that is what is supposed to be the hard part. All I know is this semester is going to be very drawing intensive so I will be spending a lot of time doodling in my Sketchbook to help myself improve. WOO.


I've been playing Shadow Hearts every couple of days. This time I'm using a different team, replacing my old team with the four characters I never used. It's been interesting so far, as these characters all play differently and it's making the game tougher, also because I'm playing in hard mode ha ha.

I also started reading my friends Novel. The beginning was so boring. They had to introduce a bunch of characters, but it just goes on FOREVER. However, after that first block it picked up speed pretty quickly and got really interesting. I'm about 1/4 of the way through (which is a lot, the book is actually pretty long). I plan on finishing it soonish. Maybe this week if I'm not too swamped this week.


I'm just going to bullshit a resume I think. I never heard back from my boss so I guess she forgot about it. I'll e-mail her again this week, but tomorrow I'm just going to find general resumes and do what I can. Sigh.


I hate when you think of something to type or do and then your brain goes "OH WAIT NOPE I FORGOT HA HA. HEY MAYBE IT WAS TH- OH WAIT NO HA HA. FOOLED YOU AGAIN. GOD I AM SUCH A STUPID BITCH." That happened like three times while writing this blog post. I am also incredibly tired right now and keep zoning out as I type. I might -gasp- go to bed soon. OH NO WHAT AM I THINKING. It is sad that this is early for me. At least tomorrow is Noelle day and I meet up with everyone for lunch. I think I had music homework? It would be nice if my book would have arrived, but NOPE. I had everything ship when it could so I could have some of my books soon.


Have you ever been at that tired point where you forget what you are typing as you type it? So you stare at one sentence for several moments trying to remember where it was going or if you typed the word "would" even though you just did and it's right infront of you? That was me right now. It makes me think of this one game of Starcraft that Sarah and Fred played where Sarah was really tired and built a factory far away from her base and was so proud of herself. They lost because Sarah built nothing but that one factory. I have the video, but not the Vent chat that went with it, so it's not as good to watch.


This Sunday I am going to a concert! I am excited. I'm going to see Emilie Autumn with Heather and her friend. I forget her name, I can only remember that it sounds black but this chick is as white as they come. I met her today after a meeting where I was supposed to get a Mustache mug but they were out when we got there so we were sad. I happened to notice Heather's pink hair there and we started to text each other. We then had a short conversation about how we can't Co-ed dorm which would be so much more fun and we would be the best roommates ever. 


I was just talking to George and I could not speak coherent English and misunderstood her and myself. Maybe... Maybe I should go to sleep. Maybe....


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