Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Regret Nothing

So this last weekend has been pretty interesting. And by pretty I mean really really interesting. It involved photoshoots, pixie sticks, Kings, elevators, and a lot of heart to hearts (and seeking advice after a mine episode.)

Sadly you won't be getting all the details. Some things went on that some people reading my blog don't really need to know. Plus I still don't know who reads it actively.

Like I said, some things people just don't need to know.

So on Friday a bunch of my friends and I went to the zoo and spent the day taking pictures of animals. There was also a lot of goat noises. That and shouting at pigs. It was rather hilarious. My friend Mike (I have nowhere to really link him...) also showed up and we chatted about the random events that have been going on in our lives. It was good to see him again.

After the zoo we came back and went to our friend Ania's (these lack of links is annoying me) for a reunion party of our floor. It would have been good to see everyone again if anyone had shown up. I know a few didn't want to go, but others said "YEAH I'LL GO WOOOO" and then never showed up. We even called people and they were like "I'll be there later."

They never showed up.

Needless to say they missed out BIG TIME. We played this crazy card game called "Blink" where you basically want to get rid of all your cards before everyone else. The last person with cards has to do a dare. There were some really clever dares, several involving going to the bathroom and taking toilet paper (one was a toilet paper turban and the other was toilet paper ninja gear). There was also a lot of conversing with random strangers. The party went on forever, and we spent a large portion of the night in the laundry room doing some much needed gossiping and chatting about things that bothered us. It was fun.

Saturday is the day things got a little crazy. I went to lunch with my friend's Scooter, Kate and Kristina (OMG I NEED SOMETHING TO LINK TO SOON OR I WILL ASPLODE) and then made a trip to Giant to get some supplies for the night ahead. After that, Kristina and I headed over to our friend Allie's (I WILL START LINKING TO STRANGE SHIT SOON I SWEAR TO GOD) for a photoshoot for her senior project. It was a lot of fun and Kristina pretended to be a bride. We then did several shots with make-up to express ourselves and how others portrayed us. I felt pretty.

So, then we come to Saturday night. I'm not going to really disclose any of the details for that night because people really don't need to know what went on. All I have to say is I pretty much am bisexual now. WHAT COULD THAT MEAN? Maybe another time. Like I said, some things just don't need to be disclosed.

I regret nothing though.

The other two days were uneventful (Sunday and Monday) but I had a mini-freak out over the course of those two days with a whole "Who am I? I don't even know," but got some advice from two very important people. Thanks Lauren. You are my bestest friend forever. I don't know what I would do without you.

Anyway, so that's my weekend in a nutshell. I'll update more when things become exciting again. I really need to work on my novel though. Plus a bunch of projects are coming up. UUUUGGGGGHHHHH.




  1. 1. I suggest giving everyone random links! I claim the dailywh.at/ XD

    2. I love that mouse. SO. MUCH. >3< Wish i could play the pan flute ;n;
