Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I will never know what day of the week it is ever. I only know Sunday and Thursday, because one means I will complain non stop all day long and the other because it means classes start up again.

Anyway, I sign up for my classes tomorrow. Really not looking forward to it. I'm hoping to get all the classes I want and not having to freak out about choosing alternate classes and having a panic attack cause things fill up so damn fast.

On top of that, this creeper dude who I wish would back off is in two of my classes next semester. I am most displeased, mainly because one of them I am really excited for because one of my favourite teachers teaches the class.  Yesssss.

Finished my schedule for next semester. Really heavy Monday and Wednesday but I can totally handle it. My only concern is I am taking advanced Game Animation. If you knew me last semester you would know how much I HATE animation. Oh god everything was terrible last semester. I pretty much told my adviser that I needed a light load if I was doing that class. He understood. Taking a math class too though. Shouldn't be too hard.


Things are good though. I have a game project to finish in two weeks and a paper coming up. Not really looking forward to either. Not much else going on though.

Hoping for another fun weekend though.

EDIT: I love corgis so much. You have no idea.

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