Marry Me - Emilie Autumn
Anyway, these next two weeks are finals for me so things are going to be pretty hectic. I'm working on my final project for AVT 180 right now. I also still need to finish my game project for the other game class. I've been working on it for like 3 days straight. And this is without waiting to the last minute to work on it. Total Hours Spent: Too many.
Also props to George and company for their trollin' expedition last night. It was actually pretty amazing.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Are WE Being Trolled now?!
So as you all know this started off as a 30 day project just for the hell of it, mostly started because I was lazy in writing my novel. That novel has increased by about 50% since I started it, but it ended up nowhere near 50,000 words. I however have written it in screenplay form, totaling about 24 pages and still going strong. Speaking of novels, my friend Heather gave me the novel that her and her friend wrote. So far it's rather dry, but they start off introducing a TON of characters, so I'm gonna give it a chance. From what I read from the responses, things get crazy and most people hate her (in a good way) at the end.
So it's been a rather crazy two days. For some reason I always end up thinking that Saturday is Sunday, which is rather upsetting. But let me start with Thursday. I can't recall if I updated then (as I am lazy as hell and not going to tab over, but I'm going to assume that I updated something) but it was a rather intense day. We ended up staying up till 5am watching The Big Bang Theory, which was rather great. I then tried to get work done on Friday with not too much success. I then spent the night running around, going from Liz's room to see her "christmas tree" then heading up to Heather's room to watch Ouran Host Club (a crazy girly anime that is incredibly entertaining), but instead ended up chatting till 5am. It was rather great.
Saturday and Sunday were just as entertaining. I can't recall what happened, but it was fun.
So this is the last week of classes. All my finals are due within the next two weeks and then I FINALLY get to go home for Christmas, which will then be spent working and seeing friends and family as much as possible. I'm excited once again to go home, but still a lot of work to get through for all my classes.
The one class I'm super excited about actually doing the work for is my Storyboard class. Like I have said a thousand times before, I really enjoy writing that screenplay and, in general, doing work for that class. I'm going to be upset when next year I won't have it, but hopefully I will have the spare time to finish it. I've always enjoyed writing, just most of my time for writing was doing essays and research papers and the like. I'd much rather sit down and do creative pieces. Much more fun that way.
Anyway, I still have Christmas Presents to buy and I have no idea what to get for these last few people. I'll think of something soon though, probably scroll through Amazon for a while and then find something creative and cool.
That's all for now I think. I'm getting to the point where I can't think straight. That and I am also having trouble typing ha ha. I need to also set up the design for my art piece due monday. Sort of know what I want to do, but I'm not sure how it will look ha ha. I think I'll do that tomorrow after I get my package.
So it's been a rather crazy two days. For some reason I always end up thinking that Saturday is Sunday, which is rather upsetting. But let me start with Thursday. I can't recall if I updated then (as I am lazy as hell and not going to tab over, but I'm going to assume that I updated something) but it was a rather intense day. We ended up staying up till 5am watching The Big Bang Theory, which was rather great. I then tried to get work done on Friday with not too much success. I then spent the night running around, going from Liz's room to see her "christmas tree" then heading up to Heather's room to watch Ouran Host Club (a crazy girly anime that is incredibly entertaining), but instead ended up chatting till 5am. It was rather great.
Saturday and Sunday were just as entertaining. I can't recall what happened, but it was fun.
So this is the last week of classes. All my finals are due within the next two weeks and then I FINALLY get to go home for Christmas, which will then be spent working and seeing friends and family as much as possible. I'm excited once again to go home, but still a lot of work to get through for all my classes.
The one class I'm super excited about actually doing the work for is my Storyboard class. Like I have said a thousand times before, I really enjoy writing that screenplay and, in general, doing work for that class. I'm going to be upset when next year I won't have it, but hopefully I will have the spare time to finish it. I've always enjoyed writing, just most of my time for writing was doing essays and research papers and the like. I'd much rather sit down and do creative pieces. Much more fun that way.
Anyway, I still have Christmas Presents to buy and I have no idea what to get for these last few people. I'll think of something soon though, probably scroll through Amazon for a while and then find something creative and cool.
That's all for now I think. I'm getting to the point where I can't think straight. That and I am also having trouble typing ha ha. I need to also set up the design for my art piece due monday. Sort of know what I want to do, but I'm not sure how it will look ha ha. I think I'll do that tomorrow after I get my package.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
I Will Cut You
Kill the Lights - Britney Spears
So today has been a very awkward day. I'd say "stressful" but it really hasn't, but I'll get to that in a bit.
I woke up this morning to my roommates alarms going off. Thinking it was only around 9 or so I just kind of dozed off in bed for a while. I soon realized that my alarm wasn't going off and was perplexed. Was the alot earlier than I thought? I grab my phone to see it is 10:00. I then click my iPod, which is my alarm to find out it was dead. I promptly plug it in and get ready for class. Desperately wanting to blast music this morning, but couldn't as my roommates were asleep when I left, I took what charge I got on my iPod and started walking to class. I got through one and a half songs before it died. I then said to myself "Wow. Now if only I get hit by a car my day is complete."
Karma decided to be a little bastard and a car almost backed into me. I almost shouted "HOLY SHIT KARMA I WAS JUST KIDDING," as I dodged the car. Luckily he saw me and didn't actually hit me. Anyone following my twitter will have seen those tweets this morning (no, I was not sending this and not looking as I walked. They were sent before I almost got hit and then a little while after). I then found out I had printed 40 pages of my story for nothing but got a 93 on the paper I wrote for that class, and another 100 for having written 24 pages for my screenplay today. Go me!
I then came back to shower, get ready, grab my things and then head over to a two hour lecture for psych credits. We only had to stay for about one and the nice lady let us leave early, but get the full two credits. I was so excited. I then came back here to chat with my financial aid adviser because apparently I have no aid for Fall Semester, and the payments are due by next week. Which is a huge problem since it's a large sum. They guy wasn't very helpful, so I'm going to go in tomorrow to see if I can talk to my adviser in person because not only is there none for Fall, but the aid they DO have down is significantly less than last year. Considering my parents have three kids in college and my tuition going up 6% this year, that is a MAJOR problem.
Things will hopefully turn around soon.
Boom Boom - Britney Spears
With all this, you'd think I'd be stressing at least a little, right? Wrong. I don't know why, but it hasn't bothered me. I have all these sticky notes with the work I need to do and anything else that needs to be done. It's a lot of notes and totaling a decent amount of things to do. The due dates are coming and things are going to be tough. Do I let it get to me? Nope. I've actually been looking at it as a challenge. Last night I wrote around 15 pages for my screenplay. It actually didn't take very long either. I just got so into writing and I couldn't stop. All these other projects coming up? Cake. I'm not even worried about my financial aid at the moment, because if shit isn't fixed by next week I am raising all hell in the financial aid office.
Anyway, as you all know it is Thursday and I have my late class today. I'm going to go get ready for it and adventuring out in the cold again. It's windy as hell and so annoying. Best of luck to everyone and their finals in the coming weeks.
So today has been a very awkward day. I'd say "stressful" but it really hasn't, but I'll get to that in a bit.
I woke up this morning to my roommates alarms going off. Thinking it was only around 9 or so I just kind of dozed off in bed for a while. I soon realized that my alarm wasn't going off and was perplexed. Was the alot earlier than I thought? I grab my phone to see it is 10:00. I then click my iPod, which is my alarm to find out it was dead. I promptly plug it in and get ready for class. Desperately wanting to blast music this morning, but couldn't as my roommates were asleep when I left, I took what charge I got on my iPod and started walking to class. I got through one and a half songs before it died. I then said to myself "Wow. Now if only I get hit by a car my day is complete."
Karma decided to be a little bastard and a car almost backed into me. I almost shouted "HOLY SHIT KARMA I WAS JUST KIDDING," as I dodged the car. Luckily he saw me and didn't actually hit me. Anyone following my twitter will have seen those tweets this morning (no, I was not sending this and not looking as I walked. They were sent before I almost got hit and then a little while after). I then found out I had printed 40 pages of my story for nothing but got a 93 on the paper I wrote for that class, and another 100 for having written 24 pages for my screenplay today. Go me!
I then came back to shower, get ready, grab my things and then head over to a two hour lecture for psych credits. We only had to stay for about one and the nice lady let us leave early, but get the full two credits. I was so excited. I then came back here to chat with my financial aid adviser because apparently I have no aid for Fall Semester, and the payments are due by next week. Which is a huge problem since it's a large sum. They guy wasn't very helpful, so I'm going to go in tomorrow to see if I can talk to my adviser in person because not only is there none for Fall, but the aid they DO have down is significantly less than last year. Considering my parents have three kids in college and my tuition going up 6% this year, that is a MAJOR problem.
Things will hopefully turn around soon.
Boom Boom - Britney Spears
With all this, you'd think I'd be stressing at least a little, right? Wrong. I don't know why, but it hasn't bothered me. I have all these sticky notes with the work I need to do and anything else that needs to be done. It's a lot of notes and totaling a decent amount of things to do. The due dates are coming and things are going to be tough. Do I let it get to me? Nope. I've actually been looking at it as a challenge. Last night I wrote around 15 pages for my screenplay. It actually didn't take very long either. I just got so into writing and I couldn't stop. All these other projects coming up? Cake. I'm not even worried about my financial aid at the moment, because if shit isn't fixed by next week I am raising all hell in the financial aid office.
Anyway, as you all know it is Thursday and I have my late class today. I'm going to go get ready for it and adventuring out in the cold again. It's windy as hell and so annoying. Best of luck to everyone and their finals in the coming weeks.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
It's Been a While
Man Down - Rihanna
It's been a long time since I last blogged. I apologize for that, since last week was Thanksgiving Break and all.
So, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving Break, cause I sure did. It all started last Tuesday. After going to my 10:30 class I headed over to the bus stop and met up with my sister at Union Station. From there we chatted for a while then headed over to our train. The ride wasn't bad, I wrote most of the ride while Ray (my sister) did homework and watched "Confessions of a Shopaholic." It was a rather entertaining ride, but rather long. After getting home we went to Valley Farms for dinner. Valley Farms is this little fast food stop near my house. It's the only and it's been there since my dad has been a kid. Great place and we were both craving it so bad. Then I chatted with my family for a while and talked to Kristina for a while.
The next day I met up with Lauren and Sarah to go see our friend Vanessa who we haven't seen in forever. We met up at Barnes and Noble and talked about life for a while, then had to head home because Sarah's parents were freaking out about her car. She backed up into a fence accidentally and there was a little scratch on the car. Seriously, it was on the plastic too, and her parent's were fuming like crazy. It was actually kind of hilarious, but she had to get home. However, before she actually went home, we went and grabbed our friend Mike and headed over to the nearby Friendly's restaurant. It had been a long time since we had all been there together so it was really nice to do something together again, especially something that has so much nostalgia for us all ha ha.
The next day was Thanksgiving, so it was spent cleaning up and getting ready for the day ahead. My sister and I set up the table like every year and I always do fancy fold for the napkins. This year I did this fancy fold, and it was far from any of my favourites. I really wanted to find some sort of octopus napkin fold, but I wasn't having much luck and it was starting to get close to guest time. So after the food was all set and the house cleaned up we all got pretty and ready for the family to arrive. It was really great to see everyone again, considering the fact that my two cousins from California came. I haven't seen either of them in over two years, so needless to say I was really excited to see them. We then had a fantastic and overly dramatic dinner. My cousin at one point commented "Can we come here for Thanksgiving every year?" We all had a good laugh over that, but I really do wish they could come every year since it's nice to have everyone here to hang out.
I love Thanksgiving food so much. It's one of the few holidays where everyone makes their BEST food and I absolutely love it all. Too bad I'm not home right now or I would be digging in to all the leftovers we had ha ha. You should have seen all the food. I'm sure my mom and dad will be sick of it soon though ha ha.
Circus - Britney Spears
So after that we headed over to my Aunt's house on Friday to see our cousin's one last time. We played Sorry! all night and it was fantastic. You've probably never seen how my family gets during Sorry! so you have no idea how utterly insane we get. We get pretty violent and angry while we play. Yup, we're crazy. Anyway, it was great to see them and I'll miss them a lot when they go back to CA. Hopefully I'll get to see them soon.
On Saturday I headed up to my other cousin's house to hang out with them for a while as my last thing for Thanksgiving Break. It was a lot of fun, but I ended up losing one of my rings. It's okay though, but it did upset me because I really liked that ring. Sigh.
The train ride home wasn't bad at all, it actually went by pretty fast and I got a decent amount of work done. After getting a ride back to GMU from Kristina we met up with everyone and had dinner together, then headed back to finish up all our work. I hope I did alright on the work, but I'm not worried as after looking it all over again it looks good.
From what I've gathered from all the Facebook statuses everyone seems to be having the week from hell. To everyone who is angry and frustrated this week, best of luck to all of you. Have some coffee, play some games between work to let off steam and try not to explode. Christmas break is coming up fast so get excited! Best of luck everyone!
I have a thirty page screenplay due in a week. I'm not worried about it at all since it's pretty easy to write and I thoroughly enjoy it. I have some tweaks to do before I finish up the next ten pages, then I'll have it all done for next week. I GOT THIS. It's also nice that everyone that is due in these next few weeks is spaced out so I don't have a whole lot due at once. This way I can focus all my attention on one thing after the other rather than being like "AHHHHHH SO MANY THINGS AND NOT ENOUGH TIME FOR THE THINGS."
That's all for now, hope you all had a good Thanksgiving Break and whatnot. I also wanted to point out that this is the 30th of November, so NaNoWrMo is over. Hope all of you who participated got what you wanted done! Though I never finished my novel, I did enjoy doing both the blog and that novel. So I'll say this was a NaNoWrMo well spent! Good luck to all these next few weeks.
It's been a long time since I last blogged. I apologize for that, since last week was Thanksgiving Break and all.
So, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving Break, cause I sure did. It all started last Tuesday. After going to my 10:30 class I headed over to the bus stop and met up with my sister at Union Station. From there we chatted for a while then headed over to our train. The ride wasn't bad, I wrote most of the ride while Ray (my sister) did homework and watched "Confessions of a Shopaholic." It was a rather entertaining ride, but rather long. After getting home we went to Valley Farms for dinner. Valley Farms is this little fast food stop near my house. It's the only and it's been there since my dad has been a kid. Great place and we were both craving it so bad. Then I chatted with my family for a while and talked to Kristina for a while.
The next day I met up with Lauren and Sarah to go see our friend Vanessa who we haven't seen in forever. We met up at Barnes and Noble and talked about life for a while, then had to head home because Sarah's parents were freaking out about her car. She backed up into a fence accidentally and there was a little scratch on the car. Seriously, it was on the plastic too, and her parent's were fuming like crazy. It was actually kind of hilarious, but she had to get home. However, before she actually went home, we went and grabbed our friend Mike and headed over to the nearby Friendly's restaurant. It had been a long time since we had all been there together so it was really nice to do something together again, especially something that has so much nostalgia for us all ha ha.
The next day was Thanksgiving, so it was spent cleaning up and getting ready for the day ahead. My sister and I set up the table like every year and I always do fancy fold for the napkins. This year I did this fancy fold, and it was far from any of my favourites. I really wanted to find some sort of octopus napkin fold, but I wasn't having much luck and it was starting to get close to guest time. So after the food was all set and the house cleaned up we all got pretty and ready for the family to arrive. It was really great to see everyone again, considering the fact that my two cousins from California came. I haven't seen either of them in over two years, so needless to say I was really excited to see them. We then had a fantastic and overly dramatic dinner. My cousin at one point commented "Can we come here for Thanksgiving every year?" We all had a good laugh over that, but I really do wish they could come every year since it's nice to have everyone here to hang out.
I love Thanksgiving food so much. It's one of the few holidays where everyone makes their BEST food and I absolutely love it all. Too bad I'm not home right now or I would be digging in to all the leftovers we had ha ha. You should have seen all the food. I'm sure my mom and dad will be sick of it soon though ha ha.
Circus - Britney Spears
So after that we headed over to my Aunt's house on Friday to see our cousin's one last time. We played Sorry! all night and it was fantastic. You've probably never seen how my family gets during Sorry! so you have no idea how utterly insane we get. We get pretty violent and angry while we play. Yup, we're crazy. Anyway, it was great to see them and I'll miss them a lot when they go back to CA. Hopefully I'll get to see them soon.
On Saturday I headed up to my other cousin's house to hang out with them for a while as my last thing for Thanksgiving Break. It was a lot of fun, but I ended up losing one of my rings. It's okay though, but it did upset me because I really liked that ring. Sigh.
The train ride home wasn't bad at all, it actually went by pretty fast and I got a decent amount of work done. After getting a ride back to GMU from Kristina we met up with everyone and had dinner together, then headed back to finish up all our work. I hope I did alright on the work, but I'm not worried as after looking it all over again it looks good.
From what I've gathered from all the Facebook statuses everyone seems to be having the week from hell. To everyone who is angry and frustrated this week, best of luck to all of you. Have some coffee, play some games between work to let off steam and try not to explode. Christmas break is coming up fast so get excited! Best of luck everyone!
I have a thirty page screenplay due in a week. I'm not worried about it at all since it's pretty easy to write and I thoroughly enjoy it. I have some tweaks to do before I finish up the next ten pages, then I'll have it all done for next week. I GOT THIS. It's also nice that everyone that is due in these next few weeks is spaced out so I don't have a whole lot due at once. This way I can focus all my attention on one thing after the other rather than being like "AHHHHHH SO MANY THINGS AND NOT ENOUGH TIME FOR THE THINGS."
That's all for now, hope you all had a good Thanksgiving Break and whatnot. I also wanted to point out that this is the 30th of November, so NaNoWrMo is over. Hope all of you who participated got what you wanted done! Though I never finished my novel, I did enjoy doing both the blog and that novel. So I'll say this was a NaNoWrMo well spent! Good luck to all these next few weeks.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Moulin Rouge
So right now I'm watching Moulin Rogue with some of my floormates (Kristina and Scooter). We're having a double feature tonight. First off is Moulin Rogue and then we are going to watch Sweeney Todd. I'm excited, especially since Kristina and I will probably spend the whole time singing 80% of the songs haha. Scooter hasn't seen Sweeney Todd and decided he should see it once. I thought it would be a good idea because it's bloody AND a musical!
Anyway, it's been a pretty good weekend. When I went to sleep on Friday (after spending the night in Gio's room being stupid) I for some reason woke up thinking it was Sunday. I don't really know why, I just for some reason thought it was the end of the weekend. It made me feel so stupid, but I was relieved to have another day to do work. But besides that, nothing really exciting happened on Saturday. Went over to Gio's again to hang out and met some interesting new people. Randall brought over his tablet to "try and do work", which was a really stupid decision in all honesty, but ended up being a FANTASTIC idea. Gio took it and started drawing the strangest of things. It was a great night, except we woke Scooter up when we all came back. I felt bad, but he seemed okay the next day.
One moment. The "Like a Virgin" scene in Moulin Rogue just came on and it's so fabulous I MUST WATCH.
Sorry about that (not that it really matters to you since you will read all this at once). I really love that scene. Except when the Duke starts singing. It is so creepy, yet it fits so well into the scene.
Anyway, Sunday was rather uneventful. Slept for all eternity and then had a lunch/dinner/thing. Did work and now am watching Moulin Rogue, followed by Sweeney Todd (like I said earlier). I have a story to read before tomorrow, but it's nothing too fancy. I also need to prepare my major points in my screenplay for my class. That will take about five minutes, since my story is already set up in my head and I know the two major plot points. Speaking of, I feel really bad for abandoning my novel. I really should finish it, since I am actually enjoying writing it. I just wish I had a little more free time this month. For some reason November just happened to turn into such a busy month. Oh well. I'll get it done sooner or later, since I actually really enjoyed writing the novel, like a LOT.
On top of everything, this week is Thanksgiving and I believe I have said this before but I must say it again, I AM SO EXCITED YOU HAVE NO IDEA OMGGGGGG. My cousins from California are coming and I LOVE THEM TO DEATH. Plus I get to see a large majority of my family and, in case you didn't know, I really love my family. They are so great. Plus with everyone cooking food I will be eating so well over the week. My family knows how to cook. It's why I really love the holidays. It's always great to spend those days with my family, seeing people I don't get to see throughout the school year. Plus I will get to see all the friends I don't get to see over the school year since I go to school down in Virginia and most people I know live up in CT and go to school in New England. It's okay though, since we talk on and off and then when I go home I get to see everyone.
Anyway, I'm going to go back to watching Moulin Rogue now. I'll post again either tomorrow or on Tuesday when I get home (if I have time). I'm so excited to go home to see everyone.
Anyway, it's been a pretty good weekend. When I went to sleep on Friday (after spending the night in Gio's room being stupid) I for some reason woke up thinking it was Sunday. I don't really know why, I just for some reason thought it was the end of the weekend. It made me feel so stupid, but I was relieved to have another day to do work. But besides that, nothing really exciting happened on Saturday. Went over to Gio's again to hang out and met some interesting new people. Randall brought over his tablet to "try and do work", which was a really stupid decision in all honesty, but ended up being a FANTASTIC idea. Gio took it and started drawing the strangest of things. It was a great night, except we woke Scooter up when we all came back. I felt bad, but he seemed okay the next day.
One moment. The "Like a Virgin" scene in Moulin Rogue just came on and it's so fabulous I MUST WATCH.
Sorry about that (not that it really matters to you since you will read all this at once). I really love that scene. Except when the Duke starts singing. It is so creepy, yet it fits so well into the scene.
Anyway, Sunday was rather uneventful. Slept for all eternity and then had a lunch/dinner/thing. Did work and now am watching Moulin Rogue, followed by Sweeney Todd (like I said earlier). I have a story to read before tomorrow, but it's nothing too fancy. I also need to prepare my major points in my screenplay for my class. That will take about five minutes, since my story is already set up in my head and I know the two major plot points. Speaking of, I feel really bad for abandoning my novel. I really should finish it, since I am actually enjoying writing it. I just wish I had a little more free time this month. For some reason November just happened to turn into such a busy month. Oh well. I'll get it done sooner or later, since I actually really enjoyed writing the novel, like a LOT.
On top of everything, this week is Thanksgiving and I believe I have said this before but I must say it again, I AM SO EXCITED YOU HAVE NO IDEA OMGGGGGG. My cousins from California are coming and I LOVE THEM TO DEATH. Plus I get to see a large majority of my family and, in case you didn't know, I really love my family. They are so great. Plus with everyone cooking food I will be eating so well over the week. My family knows how to cook. It's why I really love the holidays. It's always great to spend those days with my family, seeing people I don't get to see throughout the school year. Plus I will get to see all the friends I don't get to see over the school year since I go to school down in Virginia and most people I know live up in CT and go to school in New England. It's okay though, since we talk on and off and then when I go home I get to see everyone.
Anyway, I'm going to go back to watching Moulin Rogue now. I'll post again either tomorrow or on Tuesday when I get home (if I have time). I'm so excited to go home to see everyone.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Blah Blah Blah, Mr. Freeman
In case you can't tell from that, George is very frustrated today (I feel like I am talking in the third person and it is so weird what the hell). I thought I was going to spend today panicking but it turned out to be alright. I finished up my game for 232 (which I hate but it's whatever at this point. I might edit it later but uuuuugh. I do not enjoy solo game projects) and I finished my paper in a short amount of time (1000 words? I do that in my sleep). It was a pretty decent day all in all. Nothing really exciting happened, and not much else has happened today.
Well, Kate left for her band trip today, so she will be missed during these next five days. She'll have fun though, so it's all fine.
Lauren skyped me a little while ago and it was pretty fantastic (as usual). Instead of leaving the room like I usually do (because everyone is always so loud) I decided to not bother moving and just had the conversation in the study room with everyone sitting there. Needless to say it led to a lot of funny quotes and the realization that both Girl George and Lauren apparently sound a like (EXCEPT NO ONE COULD HEAR LAUREN CAUSE I HAD MY HEADPHONES ON WOOT).
Speaking of funny quotes, today there was a very strange event in the Art Building. Someone decided to do an "art performance piece" by placing fish in all of the toilets and clogging the sinks. It had something to do with the whole water theme the art building is obsessed with. All I know is a lot of kids freaked out and fish died and it was pretty awkward all around.
I wish you could see George right now. She has been asking for cancer all night long. Yeah, it's one of those nights.
I can't really figure out what to talk about right now since I expected today to be a bit more panic attack inducing or overall hellish. It actually turned out to be all right. I'm not complaining in anyway.
So I'll leave all of you there. I'll either try to write more of my novel or write out the next few scene ideas and see where to go with them. That or play Plants VS Zombies.
I'm thinking PvZ. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Sleep time soon.
In case you can't tell from that, George is very frustrated today (I feel like I am talking in the third person and it is so weird what the hell). I thought I was going to spend today panicking but it turned out to be alright. I finished up my game for 232 (which I hate but it's whatever at this point. I might edit it later but uuuuugh. I do not enjoy solo game projects) and I finished my paper in a short amount of time (1000 words? I do that in my sleep). It was a pretty decent day all in all. Nothing really exciting happened, and not much else has happened today.
Well, Kate left for her band trip today, so she will be missed during these next five days. She'll have fun though, so it's all fine.
Lauren skyped me a little while ago and it was pretty fantastic (as usual). Instead of leaving the room like I usually do (because everyone is always so loud) I decided to not bother moving and just had the conversation in the study room with everyone sitting there. Needless to say it led to a lot of funny quotes and the realization that both Girl George and Lauren apparently sound a like (EXCEPT NO ONE COULD HEAR LAUREN CAUSE I HAD MY HEADPHONES ON WOOT).
Speaking of funny quotes, today there was a very strange event in the Art Building. Someone decided to do an "art performance piece" by placing fish in all of the toilets and clogging the sinks. It had something to do with the whole water theme the art building is obsessed with. All I know is a lot of kids freaked out and fish died and it was pretty awkward all around.
I wish you could see George right now. She has been asking for cancer all night long. Yeah, it's one of those nights.
I can't really figure out what to talk about right now since I expected today to be a bit more panic attack inducing or overall hellish. It actually turned out to be all right. I'm not complaining in anyway.
So I'll leave all of you there. I'll either try to write more of my novel or write out the next few scene ideas and see where to go with them. That or play Plants VS Zombies.
I'm thinking PvZ. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Sleep time soon.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The Week of Frustration and Weirdness?
Everywhere - Michelle Branch
I bet you are judging. It's been a long time since I've listened to Michelle Branch. I've loved her since like second grade or something (it's been FOREVER) and she came on Shuffle and I was like AWWWWWW. It puts me in a good mood.
Which, if you have been reading my Twitter, is a very, very good thing. It's only Tuesday and I've either Karma decided to get me back for EVERYTHING I have ever done EVER to ANYONE, or my luck has just run out. Monday was alright, spent pretty much the entire day playing Plants VS Zombies and shifting to work in between waves (it helps me get work done! Goals are great, man!). However, I took a break for dinner and then spent the rest of the day doing work in the study room. So till 4am I was studying and finishing up work. It was not fun, on top of the fact that I butt dialed my home at 3:17am which woke up my mother who then posted an angry message on my facebook. I apologized several dozen times. I felt so terribly bad.
Then today. Today could have not existed and I think I would have been fine. Going to bed at 4am meant I wanted to get some more sleep, so I didn't wake up till like 10:25 (my class is at 10:30). I didn't mean to sleep THAT much, but it's whatever. Then as I was walking to class (which is a long walk) when I was about two minutes from class (it's about 7-10 total) I stop and realize the screenplay I needed for today had fallen out of my bag last night and was still sitting on my floor, which led me to shouting "FUCK" and sprinting back to my dorm.
When I finally got there, I shoved the four copies into my bag (40 pages! Go writing classes!) and decided it wasn't really raining and I was hot so I took off my jacket and left it in my room. I then hurried to class because my body wasn't fully ready for this much excitement so early into being awake. I got to class fine and dandy, so it wasn't all bad.
Until class ended and I headed back to my dorm. When I looked out the door, it was pouring. Once again, releasing another "FUCK" into the sky, I walked through the rain, jacket and umbrella-less, getting looks from people (who probably thought I was insane) and made it back to my dorm, pretty damn wet.
As soon as I got upstairs and threw my books everywhere and jumped in the shower, followed by me blasting music for 30 minutes while I got ready properly, and then crashing for a two hour nap.
QUICK INTERRUPTION. Breathe - Michelle Branch just came on and I HAVE to talk about it. Seriously, I love this song so much. It is another pick-me-up song that always makes me feel better. Michelle Branch, never leave me.
OKAY BACK TO THE STORY. After the nap I was awoken by my lovely BFF Lauren who was concerned because of my depressing and flustered tweets. Her life is pretty great right now, getting her car back and getting to look sexy for her boyfriend's family. Lulz. Anyway, she made me feel better as she always does and I appreciated the talk. After we finished, I rolled out of bed and played more music while I worked on my game project.
I've been keeping tallies on my arm of the hours I have lost to studying and work these two days. I had tallied 6 yesterday and added another 4 so far (I'm going to say about 3-4 of those hours aren't full work, mostly because interruptions happen almost constantly and I stopped for Coffee). Anyway, it's been a decently busy few days but I THINK I am almost done with the work I need for this week. If I can just finish my damn game project tonight I will be the happiest person alive. The only other thing I will have to finish is a script review but ME WRITE GOOD SO ME NO WORRY.
So, just know I'm in a decent mood and things are fine right now. I'm not panicking or anything and I did watch Scott Pilgrim VS The World to lift me up from this terrible morning (it was amazing (mostly for geeks though) and I highly suggest seeing it). I have to go back to work now, so I'll leave you all there. I hope all of you are having a decent week!
Side Note: Also what the fucking hell is on my library? Dinosaur - Ke$ha just came on (do not even judge me. You have strange things on your library too! I know it!) and it's literally just a "WTF ARE YOU ON GIRL?" kind of song. I don't even want to describe it, but you can listen if you want. I warned you though. QUICKLY SHUFFLE TO ANOTHER SONG OMGGGG
I bet you are judging. It's been a long time since I've listened to Michelle Branch. I've loved her since like second grade or something (it's been FOREVER) and she came on Shuffle and I was like AWWWWWW. It puts me in a good mood.
Which, if you have been reading my Twitter, is a very, very good thing. It's only Tuesday and I've either Karma decided to get me back for EVERYTHING I have ever done EVER to ANYONE, or my luck has just run out. Monday was alright, spent pretty much the entire day playing Plants VS Zombies and shifting to work in between waves (it helps me get work done! Goals are great, man!). However, I took a break for dinner and then spent the rest of the day doing work in the study room. So till 4am I was studying and finishing up work. It was not fun, on top of the fact that I butt dialed my home at 3:17am which woke up my mother who then posted an angry message on my facebook. I apologized several dozen times. I felt so terribly bad.
Then today. Today could have not existed and I think I would have been fine. Going to bed at 4am meant I wanted to get some more sleep, so I didn't wake up till like 10:25 (my class is at 10:30). I didn't mean to sleep THAT much, but it's whatever. Then as I was walking to class (which is a long walk) when I was about two minutes from class (it's about 7-10 total) I stop and realize the screenplay I needed for today had fallen out of my bag last night and was still sitting on my floor, which led me to shouting "FUCK" and sprinting back to my dorm.
When I finally got there, I shoved the four copies into my bag (40 pages! Go writing classes!) and decided it wasn't really raining and I was hot so I took off my jacket and left it in my room. I then hurried to class because my body wasn't fully ready for this much excitement so early into being awake. I got to class fine and dandy, so it wasn't all bad.
Until class ended and I headed back to my dorm. When I looked out the door, it was pouring. Once again, releasing another "FUCK" into the sky, I walked through the rain, jacket and umbrella-less, getting looks from people (who probably thought I was insane) and made it back to my dorm, pretty damn wet.
As soon as I got upstairs and threw my books everywhere and jumped in the shower, followed by me blasting music for 30 minutes while I got ready properly, and then crashing for a two hour nap.
QUICK INTERRUPTION. Breathe - Michelle Branch just came on and I HAVE to talk about it. Seriously, I love this song so much. It is another pick-me-up song that always makes me feel better. Michelle Branch, never leave me.
OKAY BACK TO THE STORY. After the nap I was awoken by my lovely BFF Lauren who was concerned because of my depressing and flustered tweets. Her life is pretty great right now, getting her car back and getting to look sexy for her boyfriend's family. Lulz. Anyway, she made me feel better as she always does and I appreciated the talk. After we finished, I rolled out of bed and played more music while I worked on my game project.
I've been keeping tallies on my arm of the hours I have lost to studying and work these two days. I had tallied 6 yesterday and added another 4 so far (I'm going to say about 3-4 of those hours aren't full work, mostly because interruptions happen almost constantly and I stopped for Coffee). Anyway, it's been a decently busy few days but I THINK I am almost done with the work I need for this week. If I can just finish my damn game project tonight I will be the happiest person alive. The only other thing I will have to finish is a script review but ME WRITE GOOD SO ME NO WORRY.
So, just know I'm in a decent mood and things are fine right now. I'm not panicking or anything and I did watch Scott Pilgrim VS The World to lift me up from this terrible morning (it was amazing (mostly for geeks though) and I highly suggest seeing it). I have to go back to work now, so I'll leave you all there. I hope all of you are having a decent week!
Side Note: Also what the fucking hell is on my library? Dinosaur - Ke$ha just came on (do not even judge me. You have strange things on your library too! I know it!) and it's literally just a "WTF ARE YOU ON GIRL?" kind of song. I don't even want to describe it, but you can listen if you want. I warned you though. QUICKLY SHUFFLE TO ANOTHER SONG OMGGGG
Let's Go
Flirt - The Pussycat Dolls
I'm going to link to songs now. Whatever I am currently listening to or whatever helps with my blog post. This one just happens to be what I'm listening to and is helping keep me awake. I just love up-beat pop songs.
So basically I'm not getting any sleep. Not tonight, not tomorrow, and DEFINITELY not Wednesday. The problem? Lots of work to do. Lots and lots and lots of work. That and intervals of Plants VS Zombies and eating.
Right now I am studying for a Psych test and doing note-cards for my other class tomorrow. Then I have to work on my game project more and try to finish a script review. Both of those aren't due till the end of the week, but I am just in homework overdrive so lots of things are hopefully getting done today and tomorrow. All I know is I am 100% going insane on Saturday. I will find SOMEONE to party with if it kills me.
Anyway, I have work to get back to and I really need to finish. It is midnight. I am tired. I might go get coffee in an hour. Thank you 10:30 classes <3
Hope the rest of you are having a less stressful week.
But before I go, I did go to my friend Scooter's recital (who is Kate's boyfriend) and it was amazing. More details tomorrow when I get out of class and finish my Psych test. Back to work.
I'm going to link to songs now. Whatever I am currently listening to or whatever helps with my blog post. This one just happens to be what I'm listening to and is helping keep me awake. I just love up-beat pop songs.
So basically I'm not getting any sleep. Not tonight, not tomorrow, and DEFINITELY not Wednesday. The problem? Lots of work to do. Lots and lots and lots of work. That and intervals of Plants VS Zombies and eating.
Right now I am studying for a Psych test and doing note-cards for my other class tomorrow. Then I have to work on my game project more and try to finish a script review. Both of those aren't due till the end of the week, but I am just in homework overdrive so lots of things are hopefully getting done today and tomorrow. All I know is I am 100% going insane on Saturday. I will find SOMEONE to party with if it kills me.
Anyway, I have work to get back to and I really need to finish. It is midnight. I am tired. I might go get coffee in an hour. Thank you 10:30 classes <3
Hope the rest of you are having a less stressful week.
But before I go, I did go to my friend Scooter's recital (who is Kate's boyfriend) and it was amazing. More details tomorrow when I get out of class and finish my Psych test. Back to work.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
George sucks at blogging and should actually post something instead of "dicks dicks dicks" endlessly.
Nancy! Down an Octave! Please!
So yesterday was pretty interesting. It was my friend Kate's flute recital. She did fantastic and so did her friend Grace. So many beautiful pieces. After the recital, there was a small reception where we ate junk food and congratulated everyone. We then heard they were all playing at the basketball game on campus, so the rest of us contemplated going. We decided "Why not?" and headed over.
GMU has a great basketball team. It was GMU vs Harvard and we kicked ass. There were so many fouls too. Couldn't go two minutes without something going wrong haha. After the game, we met up with the pep band members and headed over to this little restaurant called (I believe) Brion's. I think it was spelled weird, but I dunno. The food was great and it was fun to hang out with everyone, especially these two kids Nick and Paul. I ordered cheese fries and a burger, but the cheese fries were a lot more than I though, so now they are sitting in my fridge and I am contemplating heating them up for my lunch. I probably will.
After dinner we headed back to my room and had a little party as the last bit to Kate's day. It was fun and really entertaining. I was hoping to have more fun, but everyone was really wiped from the day so most of us just headed off to sleep.
That is until I got a panicked call from my friend.
Apparently he got into this really awkward situation and really really needs to talk to someone. I tried to talk to him last night, but I think he really needed a moment to breathe. I invited him over today so he could get his mind off things.
I'm excited. Haven't seen him in a while.
Anyway, I actually started writing this blog post 4 hours ago but got distracted by other things (namely Plants VS Zombies) and never posted. Not that you would have known that.
SO. Going to get food soon and then have a small amount of work to do when I get back. This week is going to be stressful, I just know it.
GMU has a great basketball team. It was GMU vs Harvard and we kicked ass. There were so many fouls too. Couldn't go two minutes without something going wrong haha. After the game, we met up with the pep band members and headed over to this little restaurant called (I believe) Brion's. I think it was spelled weird, but I dunno. The food was great and it was fun to hang out with everyone, especially these two kids Nick and Paul. I ordered cheese fries and a burger, but the cheese fries were a lot more than I though, so now they are sitting in my fridge and I am contemplating heating them up for my lunch. I probably will.
After dinner we headed back to my room and had a little party as the last bit to Kate's day. It was fun and really entertaining. I was hoping to have more fun, but everyone was really wiped from the day so most of us just headed off to sleep.
That is until I got a panicked call from my friend.
Apparently he got into this really awkward situation and really really needs to talk to someone. I tried to talk to him last night, but I think he really needed a moment to breathe. I invited him over today so he could get his mind off things.
I'm excited. Haven't seen him in a while.
Anyway, I actually started writing this blog post 4 hours ago but got distracted by other things (namely Plants VS Zombies) and never posted. Not that you would have known that.
SO. Going to get food soon and then have a small amount of work to do when I get back. This week is going to be stressful, I just know it.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Brought to you by the Letter "E"
That was all Kristina. She decided to dictate to me because I forgot what I was starting to write.
First off, I blame Lauren for my current obsession with Dragons by Caravan Palace. She posted it in her blog the other day and since then I have been listening to it pretty much nonstop. She has the best music sometimes. It also made reading her blog even more fun.
This weekend is going to be filled with fun and amusement, I just know it is. Today nothing exciting happened besides working on things due next week and going to an ultra late lunch. Have some work due pretty much every single day. Gotta get that out of the way or I will be having so much coffee that my heart will stop.
As to the actual weekend, tomorrow is my friend Kate's flute recital. She has been freaking out for a while and I cannot figure out why. I mean, I understand she's nervous, but I know she will do well and HAVE BEEN TELLING HER THIS SINCE SHE GAVE ME THE STICKY NOTE WITH THE SAVE THE DATE ON it.
After we're going to have a nice dinner to celebrate and then head back to our room for an exciting night of partying. Looking forward to it because it's always great to blow off steam for a few hours on the weekend.
Thanksgiving break is slowly getting closer and closer, and let me tell you I am SO excited for it. I'll finally get to go home for a while (I go to school in VA and live in CT) and on top of that my cousin is coming with her daughter all the way from CA! I am so EXCITED! She is amazing and awesome and her daughter is so fun! I haven't seen them in over 2 years and when she told me she was visiting earlier this year I literally started jumping up and down. Plus, I'll also get to see my friend's from CT, at least for a little while. It's been a long time and it will be great to get together for a while. EXCITEDDDDD
People have a habit of finding my doppelgangers, but no one ever takes a picture and let's me see. They always forget! However, a few weeks ago a bunch of my friends headed to New York for part of their degree (they have to visit the museums there and sometimes write papers). While they were walking around Central Park they happened across one of my many doppelgangers.
If I had walked by without looking, I probably could have mistaken him for myself. I also would have turned around and stolen his jacket and scarf. Mmmmmhm.
Okay that was a little weird. Whatever. I just appreciated someone actually showing me a picture. I get texts from people every now and then being like "GEORGIE I JUST SAW YOUR DOPPELGANGER" and I will respond "PICS?" and they will be like "LOL NO I FORGOT" and then I frown for a while.
I have some work to do, so I'll leave you all with that. I have a project to do for next week and I need to fix a bunch of the script. On top of that the head of the Game Design department is going to be at the unveiling of our Final Projects. I'm nervous, but we've put a bunch of effort into our project and I think we'll do fine, but we've started having problems with some of the scripting and one of our group members has been in and out of existence. It's a bit of a problem, but I think we'll find a way around it. Uuuuggghhhh. This week is going to be stressful, I know it.
That was all Kristina. She decided to dictate to me because I forgot what I was starting to write.
First off, I blame Lauren for my current obsession with Dragons by Caravan Palace. She posted it in her blog the other day and since then I have been listening to it pretty much nonstop. She has the best music sometimes. It also made reading her blog even more fun.
This weekend is going to be filled with fun and amusement, I just know it is. Today nothing exciting happened besides working on things due next week and going to an ultra late lunch. Have some work due pretty much every single day. Gotta get that out of the way or I will be having so much coffee that my heart will stop.
As to the actual weekend, tomorrow is my friend Kate's flute recital. She has been freaking out for a while and I cannot figure out why. I mean, I understand she's nervous, but I know she will do well and HAVE BEEN TELLING HER THIS SINCE SHE GAVE ME THE STICKY NOTE WITH THE SAVE THE DATE ON it.
After we're going to have a nice dinner to celebrate and then head back to our room for an exciting night of partying. Looking forward to it because it's always great to blow off steam for a few hours on the weekend.
Thanksgiving break is slowly getting closer and closer, and let me tell you I am SO excited for it. I'll finally get to go home for a while (I go to school in VA and live in CT) and on top of that my cousin is coming with her daughter all the way from CA! I am so EXCITED! She is amazing and awesome and her daughter is so fun! I haven't seen them in over 2 years and when she told me she was visiting earlier this year I literally started jumping up and down. Plus, I'll also get to see my friend's from CT, at least for a little while. It's been a long time and it will be great to get together for a while. EXCITEDDDDD
People have a habit of finding my doppelgangers, but no one ever takes a picture and let's me see. They always forget! However, a few weeks ago a bunch of my friends headed to New York for part of their degree (they have to visit the museums there and sometimes write papers). While they were walking around Central Park they happened across one of my many doppelgangers.
If I had walked by without looking, I probably could have mistaken him for myself. I also would have turned around and stolen his jacket and scarf. Mmmmmhm.
Okay that was a little weird. Whatever. I just appreciated someone actually showing me a picture. I get texts from people every now and then being like "GEORGIE I JUST SAW YOUR DOPPELGANGER" and I will respond "PICS?" and they will be like "LOL NO I FORGOT" and then I frown for a while.
I have some work to do, so I'll leave you all with that. I have a project to do for next week and I need to fix a bunch of the script. On top of that the head of the Game Design department is going to be at the unveiling of our Final Projects. I'm nervous, but we've put a bunch of effort into our project and I think we'll do fine, but we've started having problems with some of the scripting and one of our group members has been in and out of existence. It's a bit of a problem, but I think we'll find a way around it. Uuuuggghhhh. This week is going to be stressful, I know it.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Penny and Aggie
I really love reading web comics. They are a great way to kill hours at a time, especially when you find a new one and have to read through the entire archive. The only problem is, I have this huge list of web-comics, and if I miss a day or two I have to go through dozens upon dozens of extra comics. It's really annoying at times.
But oh so worth it.
Recently I started reading this wonderful comic called Penny and Aggie (there is a reason I linked to the first comic, but I'll get to that in a sec). I read it once a long long time ago, but forgot about it. Two days ago, my friend George reminded me about it and was like "YOU SHOULD READ IT. IT'S GOOD. DON'T GO TO THE HOME PAGE THOUGH, CAUSE IT GOT SO DARK AND CREEPY. JUST START FROM THE BEGINNING." Heed her advice, any who click the link. It really did get dark all of a sudden. First, though, let me tell you what the comic is actually about. It's about two girls, one the oh-so-popular Penny and the rebellious-young-activist Aggie along with their cliques and crazy high-school antics. There are a lot of characters and half the time I forget who everyone is and where they stand, but the artist likes to point out who everyone is every now and then. It's pretty interesting, and I am ever so grateful my high school experience was nothing like this. Cause holy shit tits I don't think I could have dealt with it.
Anyway, reading comics helps me deal with life and everything. I've been out of it recently with my mind running non-stop all day and night. Puts me down, but I TRY to stay positive, but sometimes my mind just needs to be shut off, ya know? It doesn't help that I'll be talking with people and suddenly remember OH GOD I HAVE WORK TO DO and then enter a small freak-out mode, lay down what needs to be done, and completely shift moods again. Weird, right? College work causes me to Panic a lot, but I can handle it for the most part. This semester was easy at first (I HATE when classes start easy. Push me and then go lenient, I need to be in full swing from the beginning or you don't get much out of me) and then started to pile up FAST. It's okay, not going to freak out. I will probably just spend some time in the study room this weekend, as I am better off getting work done away from everyone rather than putting head phones on and trying to distract myself.
As I have said before, I HATE Thursdays. Hate hate hate hate hate hate hate. I am in class from 10:30 to 1:30 but then have this huge gap before my 4:30-7 class. Then from that I hang out in the art building with my game group till around 9 or 10, sometimes 11. It's rather frustrating as I hate sitting in a classroom for so long. I mean, I've spent 5-8+ hours in the art building before, but that's different. Why? Because it's fun to be drawing and painting for that long. But sitting in a class, programming and getting flustered because nothing wants to work properly for 3+ hours? Bah.
That's going to be my major though. So gotta get used to it.
This weekend should prove to be interesting. Friday I'm heading out to grab some supplies, then Saturday will be my friend's flute recital, followed by a fun dinner and then followed by a celebratory party! Sunday will be work day, along with (maybe) tonight and Friday. Project due Thursday and paper due Tuesday. Things are going to be hectic is all I know. I'm gonna be having a lot of Starbucks is all I know. Oh, and my other friend has his music recital on Monday. Supposedly he is doing something silly to his girlfriend during it, so I'm going to record the whole thing. I am so excitedddd.
I'm in a bit of a better mood then I have been, but I need to put away a lot of time these next few weeks to get ahead and finished with all the things that are due at the end of the semester. I can't believe it's already almost December. I feel like time never passes, yet every time I blink it's been three weeks. I guess that is what college does to you?
I don't have an image for you today as the site is being a little bitch. I'm gonna go relax a little before my late class and then work on my novel later tonight. I'm stuck in a ditch right now because I don't like the part I just wrote and am debating just deleting two pages or keeping them.
It's so annoying.
But oh so worth it.
Recently I started reading this wonderful comic called Penny and Aggie (there is a reason I linked to the first comic, but I'll get to that in a sec). I read it once a long long time ago, but forgot about it. Two days ago, my friend George reminded me about it and was like "YOU SHOULD READ IT. IT'S GOOD. DON'T GO TO THE HOME PAGE THOUGH, CAUSE IT GOT SO DARK AND CREEPY. JUST START FROM THE BEGINNING." Heed her advice, any who click the link. It really did get dark all of a sudden. First, though, let me tell you what the comic is actually about. It's about two girls, one the oh-so-popular Penny and the rebellious-young-activist Aggie along with their cliques and crazy high-school antics. There are a lot of characters and half the time I forget who everyone is and where they stand, but the artist likes to point out who everyone is every now and then. It's pretty interesting, and I am ever so grateful my high school experience was nothing like this. Cause holy shit tits I don't think I could have dealt with it.
Anyway, reading comics helps me deal with life and everything. I've been out of it recently with my mind running non-stop all day and night. Puts me down, but I TRY to stay positive, but sometimes my mind just needs to be shut off, ya know? It doesn't help that I'll be talking with people and suddenly remember OH GOD I HAVE WORK TO DO and then enter a small freak-out mode, lay down what needs to be done, and completely shift moods again. Weird, right? College work causes me to Panic a lot, but I can handle it for the most part. This semester was easy at first (I HATE when classes start easy. Push me and then go lenient, I need to be in full swing from the beginning or you don't get much out of me) and then started to pile up FAST. It's okay, not going to freak out. I will probably just spend some time in the study room this weekend, as I am better off getting work done away from everyone rather than putting head phones on and trying to distract myself.
As I have said before, I HATE Thursdays. Hate hate hate hate hate hate hate. I am in class from 10:30 to 1:30 but then have this huge gap before my 4:30-7 class. Then from that I hang out in the art building with my game group till around 9 or 10, sometimes 11. It's rather frustrating as I hate sitting in a classroom for so long. I mean, I've spent 5-8+ hours in the art building before, but that's different. Why? Because it's fun to be drawing and painting for that long. But sitting in a class, programming and getting flustered because nothing wants to work properly for 3+ hours? Bah.
That's going to be my major though. So gotta get used to it.
This weekend should prove to be interesting. Friday I'm heading out to grab some supplies, then Saturday will be my friend's flute recital, followed by a fun dinner and then followed by a celebratory party! Sunday will be work day, along with (maybe) tonight and Friday. Project due Thursday and paper due Tuesday. Things are going to be hectic is all I know. I'm gonna be having a lot of Starbucks is all I know. Oh, and my other friend has his music recital on Monday. Supposedly he is doing something silly to his girlfriend during it, so I'm going to record the whole thing. I am so excitedddd.
I'm in a bit of a better mood then I have been, but I need to put away a lot of time these next few weeks to get ahead and finished with all the things that are due at the end of the semester. I can't believe it's already almost December. I feel like time never passes, yet every time I blink it's been three weeks. I guess that is what college does to you?
I don't have an image for you today as the site is being a little bitch. I'm gonna go relax a little before my late class and then work on my novel later tonight. I'm stuck in a ditch right now because I don't like the part I just wrote and am debating just deleting two pages or keeping them.
It's so annoying.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
A Short Update of Rage
So normally when there are problems with my account at school I receive e-mails saying "hey shit is due you should probably take care of it."
I will then forward said e-mail to my parents to let them know that shit is due. This way, when it is time to register for classes everything will be okay.
However, this time I hadn't received any e-mails. I felt good, which meant my parents were handling three children in college very well. I am supposed to register for my classes today, in 7 minutes.
Keywords: Supposed to.
But during my classics class, getting ready to register for classes, I happen to check my account information to see what if anything was wrong. Nothing should have been wrong since I hadn't gotten e-mails. Right?
There is a hold on my account. I don't know what it's telling me, but something is stopping me from registering for classes. And I found this out 25 minutes ago. In the middle of my classics class. Which caused me to completely freak out and start shaking. I'm terrified I'm not going to get the classes I want/need. Which means I might not have enough credits. Which means I will have to find other classes to replace them. Which means I will have to deal with Freshman registering.
So yeah, pretty much freaking out right now. Thank you GMU for not informing me that shit was wrong. I did not need this right now, I really really didn't.
I will then forward said e-mail to my parents to let them know that shit is due. This way, when it is time to register for classes everything will be okay.
However, this time I hadn't received any e-mails. I felt good, which meant my parents were handling three children in college very well. I am supposed to register for my classes today, in 7 minutes.
Keywords: Supposed to.
But during my classics class, getting ready to register for classes, I happen to check my account information to see what if anything was wrong. Nothing should have been wrong since I hadn't gotten e-mails. Right?
There is a hold on my account. I don't know what it's telling me, but something is stopping me from registering for classes. And I found this out 25 minutes ago. In the middle of my classics class. Which caused me to completely freak out and start shaking. I'm terrified I'm not going to get the classes I want/need. Which means I might not have enough credits. Which means I will have to find other classes to replace them. Which means I will have to deal with Freshman registering.
So yeah, pretty much freaking out right now. Thank you GMU for not informing me that shit was wrong. I did not need this right now, I really really didn't.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
I will never know what day of the week it is ever. I only know Sunday and Thursday, because one means I will complain non stop all day long and the other because it means classes start up again.
Anyway, I sign up for my classes tomorrow. Really not looking forward to it. I'm hoping to get all the classes I want and not having to freak out about choosing alternate classes and having a panic attack cause things fill up so damn fast.
On top of that, this creeper dude who I wish would back off is in two of my classes next semester. I am most displeased, mainly because one of them I am really excited for because one of my favourite teachers teaches the class. Yesssss.
Finished my schedule for next semester. Really heavy Monday and Wednesday but I can totally handle it. My only concern is I am taking advanced Game Animation. If you knew me last semester you would know how much I HATE animation. Oh god everything was terrible last semester. I pretty much told my adviser that I needed a light load if I was doing that class. He understood. Taking a math class too though. Shouldn't be too hard.
Things are good though. I have a game project to finish in two weeks and a paper coming up. Not really looking forward to either. Not much else going on though.
Hoping for another fun weekend though.
EDIT: I love corgis so much. You have no idea.
Anyway, I sign up for my classes tomorrow. Really not looking forward to it. I'm hoping to get all the classes I want and not having to freak out about choosing alternate classes and having a panic attack cause things fill up so damn fast.
On top of that, this creeper dude who I wish would back off is in two of my classes next semester. I am most displeased, mainly because one of them I am really excited for because one of my favourite teachers teaches the class. Yesssss.
Finished my schedule for next semester. Really heavy Monday and Wednesday but I can totally handle it. My only concern is I am taking advanced Game Animation. If you knew me last semester you would know how much I HATE animation. Oh god everything was terrible last semester. I pretty much told my adviser that I needed a light load if I was doing that class. He understood. Taking a math class too though. Shouldn't be too hard.
Things are good though. I have a game project to finish in two weeks and a paper coming up. Not really looking forward to either. Not much else going on though.
Hoping for another fun weekend though.
EDIT: I love corgis so much. You have no idea.
Regret Nothing
So this last weekend has been pretty interesting. And by pretty I mean really really interesting. It involved photoshoots, pixie sticks, Kings, elevators, and a lot of heart to hearts (and seeking advice after a mine episode.)
Sadly you won't be getting all the details. Some things went on that some people reading my blog don't really need to know. Plus I still don't know who reads it actively.
Like I said, some things people just don't need to know.
So on Friday a bunch of my friends and I went to the zoo and spent the day taking pictures of animals. There was also a lot of goat noises. That and shouting at pigs. It was rather hilarious. My friend Mike (I have nowhere to really link him...) also showed up and we chatted about the random events that have been going on in our lives. It was good to see him again.
After the zoo we came back and went to our friend Ania's (these lack of links is annoying me) for a reunion party of our floor. It would have been good to see everyone again if anyone had shown up. I know a few didn't want to go, but others said "YEAH I'LL GO WOOOO" and then never showed up. We even called people and they were like "I'll be there later."
They never showed up.
Needless to say they missed out BIG TIME. We played this crazy card game called "Blink" where you basically want to get rid of all your cards before everyone else. The last person with cards has to do a dare. There were some really clever dares, several involving going to the bathroom and taking toilet paper (one was a toilet paper turban and the other was toilet paper ninja gear). There was also a lot of conversing with random strangers. The party went on forever, and we spent a large portion of the night in the laundry room doing some much needed gossiping and chatting about things that bothered us. It was fun.
Saturday is the day things got a little crazy. I went to lunch with my friend's Scooter, Kate and Kristina (OMG I NEED SOMETHING TO LINK TO SOON OR I WILL ASPLODE) and then made a trip to Giant to get some supplies for the night ahead. After that, Kristina and I headed over to our friend Allie's (I WILL START LINKING TO STRANGE SHIT SOON I SWEAR TO GOD) for a photoshoot for her senior project. It was a lot of fun and Kristina pretended to be a bride. We then did several shots with make-up to express ourselves and how others portrayed us. I felt pretty.
So, then we come to Saturday night. I'm not going to really disclose any of the details for that night because people really don't need to know what went on. All I have to say is I pretty much am bisexual now. WHAT COULD THAT MEAN? Maybe another time. Like I said, some things just don't need to be disclosed.
I regret nothing though.
The other two days were uneventful (Sunday and Monday) but I had a mini-freak out over the course of those two days with a whole "Who am I? I don't even know," but got some advice from two very important people. Thanks Lauren. You are my bestest friend forever. I don't know what I would do without you.
Anyway, so that's my weekend in a nutshell. I'll update more when things become exciting again. I really need to work on my novel though. Plus a bunch of projects are coming up. UUUUGGGGGHHHHH.
Sadly you won't be getting all the details. Some things went on that some people reading my blog don't really need to know. Plus I still don't know who reads it actively.
Like I said, some things people just don't need to know.
So on Friday a bunch of my friends and I went to the zoo and spent the day taking pictures of animals. There was also a lot of goat noises. That and shouting at pigs. It was rather hilarious. My friend Mike (I have nowhere to really link him...) also showed up and we chatted about the random events that have been going on in our lives. It was good to see him again.
After the zoo we came back and went to our friend Ania's (these lack of links is annoying me) for a reunion party of our floor. It would have been good to see everyone again if anyone had shown up. I know a few didn't want to go, but others said "YEAH I'LL GO WOOOO" and then never showed up. We even called people and they were like "I'll be there later."
They never showed up.
Needless to say they missed out BIG TIME. We played this crazy card game called "Blink" where you basically want to get rid of all your cards before everyone else. The last person with cards has to do a dare. There were some really clever dares, several involving going to the bathroom and taking toilet paper (one was a toilet paper turban and the other was toilet paper ninja gear). There was also a lot of conversing with random strangers. The party went on forever, and we spent a large portion of the night in the laundry room doing some much needed gossiping and chatting about things that bothered us. It was fun.
Saturday is the day things got a little crazy. I went to lunch with my friend's Scooter, Kate and Kristina (OMG I NEED SOMETHING TO LINK TO SOON OR I WILL ASPLODE) and then made a trip to Giant to get some supplies for the night ahead. After that, Kristina and I headed over to our friend Allie's (I WILL START LINKING TO STRANGE SHIT SOON I SWEAR TO GOD) for a photoshoot for her senior project. It was a lot of fun and Kristina pretended to be a bride. We then did several shots with make-up to express ourselves and how others portrayed us. I felt pretty.
So, then we come to Saturday night. I'm not going to really disclose any of the details for that night because people really don't need to know what went on. All I have to say is I pretty much am bisexual now. WHAT COULD THAT MEAN? Maybe another time. Like I said, some things just don't need to be disclosed.
I regret nothing though.
The other two days were uneventful (Sunday and Monday) but I had a mini-freak out over the course of those two days with a whole "Who am I? I don't even know," but got some advice from two very important people. Thanks Lauren. You are my bestest friend forever. I don't know what I would do without you.
Anyway, so that's my weekend in a nutshell. I'll update more when things become exciting again. I really need to work on my novel though. Plus a bunch of projects are coming up. UUUUGGGGGHHHHH.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Like your period, I'm late
Apologies for not updating yesterday. I shouldn't even be updating now.
But I feel you all deserve it.
I have a quick story to run through later, involving a bunch of my friends going to the zoo. I then want to tell you about today and tonight. I may or may not have a crazy as blog post around 3am. We shall see.
Anyway, my BFF Lauren is at one of those comic con's meeting all my favourite web artists and I am SO JEALOUS YOU HAVE NO IDEA. She will more than likely update with dozens of photos of Jeph Jacques. Words cannot describe how jealous I am.
Anyway, I'll inform you all of the stupid things that go on tonight when I get a chance. I have a photoshoot to do and other projects to get done before the school week. Things are going to get crazy.
But I feel you all deserve it.
I have a quick story to run through later, involving a bunch of my friends going to the zoo. I then want to tell you about today and tonight. I may or may not have a crazy as blog post around 3am. We shall see.
Anyway, my BFF Lauren is at one of those comic con's meeting all my favourite web artists and I am SO JEALOUS YOU HAVE NO IDEA. She will more than likely update with dozens of photos of Jeph Jacques. Words cannot describe how jealous I am.
Anyway, I'll inform you all of the stupid things that go on tonight when I get a chance. I have a photoshoot to do and other projects to get done before the school week. Things are going to get crazy.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Die in a Fire 7pm
So here I am like every Thursday, sitting in my 4pm class waiting for it to end. However, when that class ends I can't leave. Now why would that be? Well, it just so happens that my group for this class (we're designing a game for the iPhone) wants to meet up every Thursday after class. I rambled a bit about this in the previous post, but now you will get my full distaste for the current hours. You see, 7pm is usually the "meet up with friends and get food time." However, since instead I am stuck in the art building till who fucking knows I don't even bother eating.
Thursday night is "Fuck food I hate you all night."
Don't get me wrong, the people in my group are cool and our project is great. Meeting up after sitting three hours in a class to then sit another three hours in this room? Fuck you. Fuck all of you.
It doesn't help that my head also hurts. Yep, headache. Is it from not eating? PROBABLY! It's mostly because I detest this class and kind of just want to be done. If we met up earlier in the day I would be perfectly fine with it. Now, however, it is just too late for me to want to do work. Plus I do need to get my screenplay done. It's kind of really important, and this project isn't due for a while. Plus I have another project in this class that is due in two weeks which I am totally going to start freaking out about in about thirty minutes. Coding is not fun.
Anyway, I'm leaving around 8 or 8:30 to MAYBE POSSIBLY catch dinner with other people, or to just grab Starbucks later and get the first ten pages of my Screenplay done. Whatever.
She's so prettyyyy. Oh so prettyyyyy.
Thursday night is "Fuck food I hate you all night."
Don't get me wrong, the people in my group are cool and our project is great. Meeting up after sitting three hours in a class to then sit another three hours in this room? Fuck you. Fuck all of you.
It doesn't help that my head also hurts. Yep, headache. Is it from not eating? PROBABLY! It's mostly because I detest this class and kind of just want to be done. If we met up earlier in the day I would be perfectly fine with it. Now, however, it is just too late for me to want to do work. Plus I do need to get my screenplay done. It's kind of really important, and this project isn't due for a while. Plus I have another project in this class that is due in two weeks which I am totally going to start freaking out about in about thirty minutes. Coding is not fun.
Anyway, I'm leaving around 8 or 8:30 to MAYBE POSSIBLY catch dinner with other people, or to just grab Starbucks later and get the first ten pages of my Screenplay done. Whatever.
She's so prettyyyy. Oh so prettyyyyy.
Internet. Forever.
Typing "a tit" into my address bar brings up my blog site. I find this most amusing.
So it's raining hard today and my first class for the day was canceled. I then made the adult decision that "It is fucking cold and I am not getting wet again" and decided to skip my other class for the day. She doesn't take attendance anyway. Don't get me wrong, I love the class, just not today. Anyway, instead I sat and read the chapter we were going over today (Psych if you care to know) and felt rather accomplished. I then contemplated writing more of my novel or doing something productive.
I danced around my room singing P!nk, Marilyn Manson and Katy Perry instead. I don't even know.
Now here I am, blogging again. It's rather entertaining if I do say so myself. Plus I can write about whatever I want to and no one can say otherwise. TAKE THAT!
I'm not sure who that was directed at. Did I tell you I sort of wrote about lesbians for one of my classes? I also wrote about a serial killer chopping off a guy's arm.
I love that class.
So as I said before, my early class was canceled. However, being the genius that I am, I didn't check my e-mail this morning and walked ten minutes through the rain to get to the art building on the other side of campus. I was wet and tired, but I was fine with going to this class since I loved it to death. However, on my way down the hallway I notice two people from my class, Arden and kid-with-blonde-hair (I don't know his name! Don't judge me!). Arden waves and is like "Class is canceled." I let out a huge groan, but then we all chatted for a bit, mostly nerding out about Starcraft 2 since we are a team now. So we then parted ways and I am now sitting in my dorm room.
Ever sit down and just write for three hours? That was me last night. I think I wrote about 4,000 or so words total last night. Impressed? Probably not. However my story is now over 4,000 words long, but I am still about three thousand behind. I don't know if I am going to get anything done tonight, which is why I am posting now. I have class at 4pm that doesn't end until 7. I HATE it. I mean, I'm usually up till four am for no reason, but this class makes me want to take the nearest person and throw them off the roof of a building. It wouldn't be so bad, but it's only once a week for three hours. On top of that, the group I have for that class wants to meet up after, so I stay in the art building from four till about eleven pm.
It makes me hate life.
Granted last time was rather entertaining. We talked about this one kid none of us like and laughed for EVER. This time though I'm going to jump ship earlier since I need to work on my novel and start writing my screenplay. I have ten pages due Monday and I refuse to wait till Sunday to do it. Mostly because I have plans from Friday through Saturday night. Busy busy weekend ahead! I am also really excited for Saturday night because it's a party with a bunch of my favourite people. That and we plan on playing Kingdom Hearts at three am after just for the luls. I won't give out any details because you people will judge me. I know it.
I can't tell if anyone really reads this blog yet. Mostly because I found out that when I refresh my own blog page just to see how it looks, it counts as a page view. Odd right? I then spent the next three minutes going to my friends' blogs and refreshing the pages 5-6 times each. Why? I don't know.
But it's about time I head out. I want to get some time to relax before my 4pm class. Art building FOREVER. ARRRGGGHHHH.
And with that, here is bubble girl running from a bear.
And to anyone interested in the ramblings of my friends and their blogs, here are the links: Lauren likes to ramble on about her life and the crazy things that happen. Trust me, it's fantastic. One of the recent entries involved a Predator (From the movie with Arnold or you know, AVP) in a pink bikini. George likes to mock me and write the hilarious outcomes of her current situations. For the most part her blog posts are her not doing work. LOVE THEM. P.S, in her first blog post DO NOT CLICK THE LINKS OMG DO NOT DO IT.
So it's raining hard today and my first class for the day was canceled. I then made the adult decision that "It is fucking cold and I am not getting wet again" and decided to skip my other class for the day. She doesn't take attendance anyway. Don't get me wrong, I love the class, just not today. Anyway, instead I sat and read the chapter we were going over today (Psych if you care to know) and felt rather accomplished. I then contemplated writing more of my novel or doing something productive.
I danced around my room singing P!nk, Marilyn Manson and Katy Perry instead. I don't even know.
Now here I am, blogging again. It's rather entertaining if I do say so myself. Plus I can write about whatever I want to and no one can say otherwise. TAKE THAT!
I'm not sure who that was directed at. Did I tell you I sort of wrote about lesbians for one of my classes? I also wrote about a serial killer chopping off a guy's arm.
I love that class.
So as I said before, my early class was canceled. However, being the genius that I am, I didn't check my e-mail this morning and walked ten minutes through the rain to get to the art building on the other side of campus. I was wet and tired, but I was fine with going to this class since I loved it to death. However, on my way down the hallway I notice two people from my class, Arden and kid-with-blonde-hair (I don't know his name! Don't judge me!). Arden waves and is like "Class is canceled." I let out a huge groan, but then we all chatted for a bit, mostly nerding out about Starcraft 2 since we are a team now. So we then parted ways and I am now sitting in my dorm room.
Ever sit down and just write for three hours? That was me last night. I think I wrote about 4,000 or so words total last night. Impressed? Probably not. However my story is now over 4,000 words long, but I am still about three thousand behind. I don't know if I am going to get anything done tonight, which is why I am posting now. I have class at 4pm that doesn't end until 7. I HATE it. I mean, I'm usually up till four am for no reason, but this class makes me want to take the nearest person and throw them off the roof of a building. It wouldn't be so bad, but it's only once a week for three hours. On top of that, the group I have for that class wants to meet up after, so I stay in the art building from four till about eleven pm.
It makes me hate life.
Granted last time was rather entertaining. We talked about this one kid none of us like and laughed for EVER. This time though I'm going to jump ship earlier since I need to work on my novel and start writing my screenplay. I have ten pages due Monday and I refuse to wait till Sunday to do it. Mostly because I have plans from Friday through Saturday night. Busy busy weekend ahead! I am also really excited for Saturday night because it's a party with a bunch of my favourite people. That and we plan on playing Kingdom Hearts at three am after just for the luls. I won't give out any details because you people will judge me. I know it.
I can't tell if anyone really reads this blog yet. Mostly because I found out that when I refresh my own blog page just to see how it looks, it counts as a page view. Odd right? I then spent the next three minutes going to my friends' blogs and refreshing the pages 5-6 times each. Why? I don't know.
But it's about time I head out. I want to get some time to relax before my 4pm class. Art building FOREVER. ARRRGGGHHHH.
And with that, here is bubble girl running from a bear.
And to anyone interested in the ramblings of my friends and their blogs, here are the links: Lauren likes to ramble on about her life and the crazy things that happen. Trust me, it's fantastic. One of the recent entries involved a Predator (From the movie with Arnold or you know, AVP) in a pink bikini. George likes to mock me and write the hilarious outcomes of her current situations. For the most part her blog posts are her not doing work. LOVE THEM. P.S, in her first blog post DO NOT CLICK THE LINKS OMG DO NOT DO IT.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
A Time for Words
I am terrible at titles okay. Don't judge me.
So for class tomorrow I have to take a scene from a comic book and turn it into another scene. In other words, we blot out the original words and turn them into something else, making a whole new scene. I happened to choose one of my favourite comics ever, Questionable Content, and chose this scene and somehow came up with the idea of "Faye and Hanners being Lesbians."
Someone is going to kill me for this.
Anyway, so instead of Faye (girl in The Sword shirt) dating Angus (not depicted) she is now dating Hanners (the girl in the green shirt at the end). Why I came up with this idea, I have no idea. Of course, everyone around me was like "OMG DO IT YOU WILL BE MY HERO." So I was like "Whatever," and now I have written a short little scene of Hanners and Faye hugging and Faye being all weird about Sven cause she still sorta likes him. It's no real QC. I also have no interest whatsoever in doing a fanfic like that because it is wrong on so many levels. Hanners is just too innocent for this shit. But I don't careeeee.
She's gonna help me get an A.
Also, still working on my Novel, but now I am like 4000 words behind and I have all these other projects that are going to be coming up soon. So either I get ahead in NaNoWrMo or I quit the novel.
I will not quit the damn novel. I have the story all ready, I just need to get in the flow. Will probably grab a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks to help stay awake tonight. Have you ever had those? I LOVE them to death. It kept me awake when I woke up at 6am the other day and kept me from becoming a human Popsicle. I'd recommend them to anyone who needs a quick tasty boost in the morning. Of course, it's no coffee though. I just wish coffee would DO something to me. It never even seems to have an effect on me, like putting water on a log. Sure the log is wet, but not much has really changed, has it?
I don't even know where that came from or if that even made any sense.
I like the idea of posting pictures onto this blog to help tell my stories. Just for the hell of it. Maybe they will help me come up with ideas for you people to read, and you can be like "HAHA IT WAS FUNNY BUT THIS PICTURE MADE IT EVEN FUNNIER."
Rant time though.
I'm taking this one class for school called "AVT 180: Introduction into Digital Arts." Basically, it's a course on how to use Photoshop and Illustrator. It is mind-numbingly easy and I have a lot of fun with the projects. The picture I posted in my last post was the second project we did. It wasn't hard at all, but I did have a lot of fun doing it. Anyway! We had our critique yesterday and how we do it is we all shift one desk over and get to look at the whole potrait piece one at a time (shifting through the layers and all). A lot of the pieces were really cool and really clever. Others, were total shit.
I was getting so angry sitting there in class. I mean, you can at LEAST put SOME effort into your artwork. Photoshop really isn't that hard people. At least get rid of your jagged selection edges. Stop using drop shadows as well when the light source cuts out all shadows but the one below the person. Like holy cow people. They look like they were just cut out of a magazine and glued onto another picture. Please at least attempt to do well in your artwork.
A music duel suddenly started in the Study Room. On that note I'll leave you all with another random picture I did. It's whatever at this point. I might tell the story later if people are interested. Otherwise, It's just another thing.
So for class tomorrow I have to take a scene from a comic book and turn it into another scene. In other words, we blot out the original words and turn them into something else, making a whole new scene. I happened to choose one of my favourite comics ever, Questionable Content, and chose this scene and somehow came up with the idea of "Faye and Hanners being Lesbians."
Someone is going to kill me for this.
Anyway, so instead of Faye (girl in The Sword shirt) dating Angus (not depicted) she is now dating Hanners (the girl in the green shirt at the end). Why I came up with this idea, I have no idea. Of course, everyone around me was like "OMG DO IT YOU WILL BE MY HERO." So I was like "Whatever," and now I have written a short little scene of Hanners and Faye hugging and Faye being all weird about Sven cause she still sorta likes him. It's no real QC. I also have no interest whatsoever in doing a fanfic like that because it is wrong on so many levels. Hanners is just too innocent for this shit. But I don't careeeee.
She's gonna help me get an A.
Also, still working on my Novel, but now I am like 4000 words behind and I have all these other projects that are going to be coming up soon. So either I get ahead in NaNoWrMo or I quit the novel.
I will not quit the damn novel. I have the story all ready, I just need to get in the flow. Will probably grab a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks to help stay awake tonight. Have you ever had those? I LOVE them to death. It kept me awake when I woke up at 6am the other day and kept me from becoming a human Popsicle. I'd recommend them to anyone who needs a quick tasty boost in the morning. Of course, it's no coffee though. I just wish coffee would DO something to me. It never even seems to have an effect on me, like putting water on a log. Sure the log is wet, but not much has really changed, has it?
I don't even know where that came from or if that even made any sense.
I like the idea of posting pictures onto this blog to help tell my stories. Just for the hell of it. Maybe they will help me come up with ideas for you people to read, and you can be like "HAHA IT WAS FUNNY BUT THIS PICTURE MADE IT EVEN FUNNIER."
Rant time though.
I'm taking this one class for school called "AVT 180: Introduction into Digital Arts." Basically, it's a course on how to use Photoshop and Illustrator. It is mind-numbingly easy and I have a lot of fun with the projects. The picture I posted in my last post was the second project we did. It wasn't hard at all, but I did have a lot of fun doing it. Anyway! We had our critique yesterday and how we do it is we all shift one desk over and get to look at the whole potrait piece one at a time (shifting through the layers and all). A lot of the pieces were really cool and really clever. Others, were total shit.
I was getting so angry sitting there in class. I mean, you can at LEAST put SOME effort into your artwork. Photoshop really isn't that hard people. At least get rid of your jagged selection edges. Stop using drop shadows as well when the light source cuts out all shadows but the one below the person. Like holy cow people. They look like they were just cut out of a magazine and glued onto another picture. Please at least attempt to do well in your artwork.
A music duel suddenly started in the Study Room. On that note I'll leave you all with another random picture I did. It's whatever at this point. I might tell the story later if people are interested. Otherwise, It's just another thing.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Oh god what have I done?
A few days ago my friend George introduced me to an interesting thing called "National Novel Writing Month", or NaNoWrMo for short. The whole premise behind the thing is that anyone participating is supposed to write 50,000 words within the Month of November. The goal is to write around 1,667 words each day (something like that) in order to make the total within the month. My original idea was to write this fantasy novel since I have to write a 30 page screenplay at the end of the semester anyway. This way, I would have the story all set for my screenplay and wouldn't have to think much.
But I am terrible at commitment. Wanna know how long I spend doing things? Not long. If you read the lovely Hyperbole and a Half you would know about this post. That is me, in a nutshell. I have this huge burst of "YES I CAN DO ALL THE THINGS AND WIN" and I feel just like she does; that I should be given a trophy I can covet and hold for all eternity.
There is never a trophy. I also never complete anything. Will I continue to write the novel and do this blog post? Probably not. This is counting towards my entries though. I may or may not post the original 1,705 words I did in my story here, but one step at a time.
But one thing is, what is this blog supposed to be about? I honestly have no idea where I'm going with it. I'm mostly doing it because my bestest friend EVER Lauren decided this was adequate in place of doing a novel. In the end I'm sure her blog will be far more successful mostly because her humour is far better than mine. You never know though. I blame her for any nonsense or hysterical things that are posted and forever scar you for the rest of eternity.
That's beside the point though. I spent the day at the Supreme Court listening to the noble justices rip the lawyers debating in two. I was stunned at how they debated. I'm used to people talking, then questions, then more talking. But this? Oh man it was so great. They were funny yet serious and it was just so great to listen to these old people debate video games. It was utterly fantastic and I'd say people should go at least once (if possible) to see them. It was rather amusing.
I don't think there is anyway I can write a 1,667 word blog post each day. It will definitely not be possible. Who wants to read that much anyway? Unless it's rather interesting and hilarious.
Which this is not.
I should post some images onto this blog. Like, the crazy doodles I do in my Classics class, or the stuff I do in my Photoshop class. Yes, I am taking a class on Photoshop. Why? Because I am a Game Design Major. Yes, I play and design games in college. It's a shit-ton of work but for the most part it is utterly FANTASTIC.
So I will leave you with the shop I did this week for my second Project. I called it "Pink Elephants on Parade."
And now I'm a blogger. Congratulations me?
But I am terrible at commitment. Wanna know how long I spend doing things? Not long. If you read the lovely Hyperbole and a Half you would know about this post. That is me, in a nutshell. I have this huge burst of "YES I CAN DO ALL THE THINGS AND WIN" and I feel just like she does; that I should be given a trophy I can covet and hold for all eternity.
There is never a trophy. I also never complete anything. Will I continue to write the novel and do this blog post? Probably not. This is counting towards my entries though. I may or may not post the original 1,705 words I did in my story here, but one step at a time.
But one thing is, what is this blog supposed to be about? I honestly have no idea where I'm going with it. I'm mostly doing it because my bestest friend EVER Lauren decided this was adequate in place of doing a novel. In the end I'm sure her blog will be far more successful mostly because her humour is far better than mine. You never know though. I blame her for any nonsense or hysterical things that are posted and forever scar you for the rest of eternity.
That's beside the point though. I spent the day at the Supreme Court listening to the noble justices rip the lawyers debating in two. I was stunned at how they debated. I'm used to people talking, then questions, then more talking. But this? Oh man it was so great. They were funny yet serious and it was just so great to listen to these old people debate video games. It was utterly fantastic and I'd say people should go at least once (if possible) to see them. It was rather amusing.
I don't think there is anyway I can write a 1,667 word blog post each day. It will definitely not be possible. Who wants to read that much anyway? Unless it's rather interesting and hilarious.
Which this is not.
I should post some images onto this blog. Like, the crazy doodles I do in my Classics class, or the stuff I do in my Photoshop class. Yes, I am taking a class on Photoshop. Why? Because I am a Game Design Major. Yes, I play and design games in college. It's a shit-ton of work but for the most part it is utterly FANTASTIC.
So I will leave you with the shop I did this week for my second Project. I called it "Pink Elephants on Parade."
And now I'm a blogger. Congratulations me?
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