So I decided not to go NSFW. I'll just regale you with other tales of mystery and suspense. Or just tales of tales. Who knows!
I've suddenly set some goals for the summer. I realized today that I need to get some stuff done, especially because my last year of college is coming up and I am not ready for the real world! I'm already taking steps: moving to my own place down in VA, looking for a job, preparing for an internship, etc. The big thing there though is the internship, and I am TERRIFIED of the concept.
You see, in order for me to graduate, I have to have taken an internship at some gaming company. There are no maybes, without it I CANNOT graduate. That blows major chunks. It doesn't help that I don't feel ready for it either, like my work just isn't up to par compared to everyone's work. Who wants mediocre? No one, that's who.
So, in order to get my portfolio better and give me something I want to show off, one of my goals this summer is to create at least one really good 3D model. I don't care who or what it is, I just need something to be like "BAM MOTHERFUCKERS. LOOK AT THIS SHIT. WHO DOESN'T WANT SOME OF THIS?"
That is something I would love to actually say in an interview.
Anyway, I just need to work on my skills and get better. I figure if I can pump out a few before next semester, maybe I can do something with my life later.
The second goal is less important, but I really want to learn French again. I remember bits and pieces, and using Google translate I do a lot of "Oh hey, I actually knew this one." Then I just start looking up words that I don't know. I guess I just want to be able to speak another language. I mean, I really want to speak a lot of languages, but one step at a time! A refresher would be good for me anyway, something to pad the ol' resume. Not really, I just love the language.
The third thing can wait till I'm down in VA, but I want to get in shape! I started running a while ago, but with nowhere to really run around BPT, I don't ever feel like going. Plus, if I do want to go, I have to steal someone's car and get it back to them when they need it. I can't just get up and go, and it puts a damper on things. It makes me not want to go out and run, cause it is SO MUCH EFFORT.
This is me complaining about being lazy. Yup.
The last thing is, well, this blog! I want to do writing for games, so using this blog to post and whatnot will hopefully help me get into the writing mood. I've been putting together information for a novel I want to write, or a webcomic I want to do, but it is still in very early development. Basically, I've made up a bunch of characters, so now I have to come up with the larger details, like the story and world and whatnot. But we shall see! Hopefully that will go somewhere haha.
But alas, I must return to work. Today has been slow, so I'm writing this inbetween working and when I have downtime, so it's not like I'm not working or anything. I will see you lovelies sometime in the near future!
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