Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas, New Years, and Zero Updating.


It's been a long long time, so long that I have fallen off the updates on some of my friends blogs. OH WELL WHAT CAN YOU DO.

Let's see... The last time I blogged was back in early December. Finals had started and I was freaking out about them. Everything turned out MOSTLY okay. I got A's and B's and a single C (saw that one coming) so I'm not complaining. My GPA is still nice. I left on December 22nd to head home, and then presumed to go into Christmas overdrive. No one had that Christmas feeling at home, but it was still a nice Christmas. Went to my cousin's house on Christmas Eve with the family and had lots of fun. Got a decent amount of money which I desperately needed. Speaking of, I REALLY need to get paid ASAP because I am so poor.

Christmas was nice. We all got what we wanted and had a lovely dinner. I got Cataclysm and spent the next two days leveling to 85 (my head was like "WTF ARE YOU DOING" and I was just like "SHUT UP EVERYONE IS 85 AND THEY NEED A TANK." After that I think I slept for twelve hours or something. I was also rushing because I returned to work the next week and as you know I work 9-5. Anyway, I spent the next week chatting with Sarah and Mike, playing WoW and going to work. I had the day off that Monday because we got an intense snowstorm. I shoveled 2 1/2 houses that day (1/2 being my house because my dad had already done most of it). It wasn't that bad, but I started to get really tired because of the sheer amount of snow there was. Ever have to shovel in layers? It's not fun.

For New Years I went to my cousins' house again. We played games all day and watched the ball drop. We then had a snowball fight the next day, which had me jumping into forts of snow and kicking down walls. We decided next time it snows like that we are going to build forts one day and then have a massive fight the next. So excited.

I then spent Sunday with Lauren, C, and Sarah. We saw Tron and it was AMAZING. I would totally see it again. After, we went to the diner and ate, then had Sarah and Lauren exchange gifts. Sarah didn't feel like going home, so we met up with Mike and exchanged our Christmas presents. Mike got me a necklace and keychain and Sarah got me a Nightmare Before Christmas Snuggie. I laughed so hard when I got it. Sarah and Mike enjoyed the stuffed Murlocs I got them, with Mike abusing his and me threatening to call Murloc Services on him (loololol). After, we got french fries and milkshakes and then decided to do achievement runs in WoW. I don't know if you read my blog or even check it Mike, but congratulations on your Red Proto-Drake.

Speaking of, we decided to go for the Drake, but it was going to take three days (due to a specific achievement). Yesterday was supposed to be the second to last day, leaving one achievement for today. However, after leaving work I came home to find my brother had his girlfriend home. Now, I don't mind her because she is funny and nice, but it's just when she is over I lose access to my room, which SUCKS. It didn't help that she was there from like 5 to 10:30 or whatever (when she got there at like 11am) and so I spent most of the day downstairs, and also cleaned up from Dinner by myself since Ray was sick and monday is garbage night (Andrew does all the garbage). Needless to say I was in a bad mood. I did get to watch Lie to Me, which was rather interesting. Anyway, so we finished up all but one achievement and Mike got his drake, while Sarah Matt and I will get ours today. Excited.

Anyway, I am still having problems with GMU currently and am NOT HAPPY AT ALL ABOUT IT. Called yesterday and last week to find out they were and STILL ARE on vacation. Trying again today and HOPEFULLY everything will be taken care of. Ugh.

Still, being home till the 24th is rather nice. I want some more snow before I leave though. That would be really, really nice.  I hope everyone else is having a lovely break!

And Krisitna, sorry to hear you were sick for so long. That really sucked. Glad to hear you are feeling better though! We need to skype soon, even though you won't be a chipmunk :P


  1. I just watched two seasons of Lie to Me!

  2. You should be sorry. It was the second most horrible thing ever to happen in my life, the first being the day i returned from missing a month's worth of school, didn't know what the hell any of my teachers were talking about that day >n<.

    And yes, skype please :3. I could always still hold up signs and acquire a balloon to compensate for no cheeks :D.

  3. @George Were they good? The one episode I saw was pretty entertaining and I might start watching more of it.

    @Kristina when we skype you better have a white board up already!
