I also need to remember to write down my dreams in the morning. I remember them, but by the time I get back to my room in the late afternoon I end up forgetting half or all of it. Rather depressing.
Oh hey, it's also been forever and a half since I posted. Why would that be? Mostly because nothing truly exciting has been going on and I cannot think of any sort of topic to write about. Though, right now a few people I know are doing this "30 day tumbler thing" and there is another one related to music. I don't know the rules or whatever because you have to like the page on facebook and I really don't feel like liking it. SO, I think I might just join in on the 30 day challenge. I'll do one a day, but I'll just catch up to today's date. I'll also post a song or music video to go with each day.
Oh, also should update about the plants. Sarah's fell over and almost died, but ended up okay. I'll talk more about it tomorrow since Tuesday always seemed to be plant day. I also don't have pictures of the plants so I'll wait till I receive those.
Day 1 – Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.
Status: Single.
Preferably I'd rather not be single, mostly because everyone around me is in a relationship. Makes you feel kind of lonely. It's also pretty much whatever right now. I've got my friends to keep me occupied currently.
I chose this song because a lot of the time I wish I could just walk up to people and be like "Hey. You're sexy. Let's get lunch."
Also also, you see the pants the dancers are wearing? I would KILL for those. Without the weird flap thing on the back though.
Day 2 – Where you’d like to be in 10 years.
Working at a game company, producing a sequel to our hit game, living with someone/people I love in either California, Virginia or Connecticut. Don't really know where I want to be just yet.
Another Britney song! I chose this one because it makes me happy, and more than anything in 10 years I want to be happy. And hopefully partying with my awesome friends :)
Day 3 – Your views on drugs and alcohol.
Do not approve of drugs. I really don't know why people get into them. I'm okay with ex-users (several of my friends are) but there's really no reason to get into the drug scene to begin with.
Alcohol. I get this from my mother, ha ha. It's totally fine with me, as long as you don't do anything stupid. If you have to get your stomach pumped then you lose MAJOR points in my book. I also strongly believe that the drinking age should be 18. So, that's pretty much my view.
No real reason to this song.
Day 4 – Your views on religion.
I'll leave Religion alone. Don't push your views on me and I'm fine. People can believe whatever they want. The moment you start trying to convert me or say I'm going to Hell because of who I am and what I do, THAT'S when shit gets real. Seriously, let me believe what I want and I'll let you believe what you want.
Okay this one has a real reason. I get really angry when Religions contradict themselves and people say "You'll go to Hell for wearing mini-skirts or lusting after your own gender." You know what? Fuck you. I'll do what I want, and in all honesty, if it means going to hell, and you won't be there, then I will gladly go.
Day 5 – A time you thought about ending your own life.
Do you mean seriously thought about? Cause I think about it every now and then (not actually doing it! It's a "Cause and Effect" view. I like to think about things :( ) and how it will affect the people around me and all that. Otherwise, no. I have never thought about ending my life.
It's a really depressing song, but I absolutely LOVE IT. Watching the video, I almost cried. I chose this song because when I do think about that scenario, it makes me think of all the sorrow that comes with losing a loved one, and all the people I don't want to leave behind.
Day 6 – Write 30 interesting facts about yourself.
1. I have really good navigation memory. I couldn't tell you street names, but I can guide you to places I have only been to once or twice. Though if the time of day is different it's sometimes harder.
2. I've never broken any bone in my body.
3. The only time I've been to the emergency room was when a dog scratched my face up.
4. Instead of getting stitches for #3, they had to glue the wounds shut. The doctor got some in my eyelashes.
5. My eyes are my favourite part of my body.
6. I enjoy being blond a lot more than brunette, but I do miss my hair in the summer.
7. Though I care about how my hair looks, laziness overtakes my desire to touch it up.
8. I am a huge Britney Spears fan and I blame the lovely Sarah for that.
9. I hate sleeping, but I love dreaming.
10. I am extremely paranoid and it gets worse when people prove my paranoia true.
11. Though I enjoy writing creatively, my motivation to do so is always sub-par.
12. When I try to do new things, they last for about three days and then I forget about them.
13. I am terrible about getting in contact with people. If I don't talk to you, it's not because I hate you, it's just because I am paranoid about when I call people and keep pushing it off.
14. I enjoy female singers 100x more than male singers.
15. If it has a nice beat and you can dance to it, I'll probably listen to it.
16. I am the only member of my family who has not left the country.
17. I love to swim, but hate doing it competitively.
18. If I could breathe underwater I would never resurface.
19. I often think about exploding at people (shouting about things they do that make me angry) and it helps me deal with most problems. None of these conversations ever happen.
20. 90% of the time I am not paying attention to anything around me.
21. I think of myself as attractive, but have no confidence to show for it.
22. I love not seeing someone for a while and then randomly bumping into them.
23. I despise talking on the phone, but in person I can talk for hours on end, and I have.
24. Though with my friends I'm really talkative, in public I'm extremely self-conscious and stay silent.
25. I love horror movies and scary games, but it takes me forever to finish them.
26. What scares me more than anything in movies and games is the unknown, such as the possibility of an enemy around the corner or behind this door. Once they are there I can deal with it, but I take forever to search around corners and in new rooms.
27. I am still afraid of the dark, especially around 3am.
28. Though I'm a pretty nice and good person, given the option I always choose evil.
29. I'm allergic to cats, but I love them so much that I just deal with it when I'm around them.
30. I feel I have no real talent.
You all know how I love Britney, and I've given her enough love throughout this. Emilie Autumn is another one of my favourite artists. Her music is amazing and I love her voice. She is also incredible live.
Day 7 – Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality
Oooooh! A fun one!
I am Aries, the goat. Yes, I feel it pretty much personifies me. I have a mug at home with all the traits of Aries on it. What's funny is my mom and I are both Aries and we are really alike. So yes, I think it fits me really well.
Figured I'd end it with Britney. No real reason, besides that I love it and I think it works for this one. After all, I'm only a Sophomore in College. I've just begun havin' my fun. ;)